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Oprindelig tekst - Engelsk - specificity

Aktuel statusOprindelig tekst
Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: EngelskTyrkisk

Kategori Sundhed / Medicin

For denne oversættelse bedes om "kun betydning".
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af aspasia
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

An investigation of specificity should be conducted during the validation of identification tests,the determination of impurities and the assay.The procedures used to demonstrate specificity will depend on the intended objective of the analytical procedure
It is not alwavs possible to demonstrate that an analytıcal procedure is specific for a particular analyte.In this case a combination of two or more analytical procedures is recommended to achieve the necessary level of discrimination.
16 April 2007 14:13