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Originaltext - Engelska - Above, is a picture of one of Daft Punk's album...

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Denna text är tillgänglig på följande språk: EngelskaFranska

Kategori Fritt skrivande - Konst/Skapande/Fantasi

Above, is a picture of one of Daft Punk's album...
Text att översätta
Tillagd av d4rkm1k3
Källspråk: Engelska

Above, is a picture of one of Daft Punk's album covers. This is a picture of the group Daft Punk walking down a street in France. The suits they wear, as shown above, are to hide there identity, so that they do not attract unwanted attention from the media. This picture was taken in the 1990's, when Daft Punk was a very widely known group throughout the world and it was then that they reached the height of their popularity.
Anmärkningar avseende översättningen
French from Québec.
20 April 2009 03:34

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20 April 2009 20:12

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20 April 2009 20:15

Antal inlägg: 12396
Ian it's a one for you!
As I don't know how it would read in French from Québec!

CC: IanMegill2