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Original tekst - Engelsk - Foucault, by a movement which he calls...

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Foucault, by a movement which he calls...
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Skrevet av Shamy4106
Kildespråk: Engelsk

Foucault, by a movement which he calls "reversal", overturns many of our assumptions on madness and shows how madness was actually created by the practice of internment in so far as, according to him, not only did internment actually enable "sane" society to define what was to be regarded as "insane" and "sub-human", but it also created the conditions in which "madness" could come into being, by relegating the alleged madmen in conditions which could have driven anybody insane.
Anmerkninger gjeldende oversettelsen
About "madness and civilization" and "the birth of the clinic" by Michel Foucault
5 April 2008 16:59