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Original tekst - Engelsk - shield volcanoes

Nåværende statusOriginal tekst
Denne teksten kan bli sett i de følgende språkene: Engelsk

Kategori Essay

Spørsmål for denne tekst er "Kun lydelsen".
shield volcanoes
Tekst som skal oversettes
Skrevet av mohiol
Kildespråk: Engelsk

Shield volcanoes can span across hundreds of miles and they can be huge vertically that they can reach the clouds of earth very easy. Shield volcanoes have a slow slope and consist of frozen lava after it is hardened. Shield volcanoes almost always have large craters at their summit.
16 Januar 2015 07:26

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17 Januar 2015 18:08

Antall Innlegg: 138

Could this possibly be homework??????

Moreover please check his profile.
I really do think that there is a problem.

How can some understand soo many languages?????