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Oversettelse - Kinesisk med forenklet-Engelsk - SFED 过程是在一定压力和温度下,使要制备 成超细微粒的药物的水溶液和超临界CO2 充分接...

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SFED 过程是在一定压力和温度下,使要制备 成超细微粒的药物的水溶液和超临界CO2 充分接...
Skrevet av lillaenza
Kildespråk: Kinesisk med forenklet

SFED 过程是在一定压力和温度下,使要制备
成超细微粒的药物的水溶液和超临界CO2 充分接
触,将超临界CO2 溶入该水溶液中,再将该“固液
临界CO2 和水迅速“气化”,其中被溶解的药物便以
溶液中的超临界CO2 有两个作用:

In SFED process, the drug to be micronized is...

Oversatt av samanthalee
Språket det skal oversettes til: Engelsk

In SFED process, the drug to be micronized is dissolved into a solvent to form a solution at a certain temperature and pressure. The solution contacts with ScCO2 and a solid–liquid–gas ternary phase mixture formed while the ScCO2 dissolves into the solution. The ternary mixture is sprayed through a nozzle and undergoes expansion depressurization, generating primary microdroplets at the exit of the nozzle. The ScCO2 and solvent are rapidly released from the primary droplets. Rapid gasification of the ScCO2 and solvent in the droplets results in the precipitation of fine drug particles. In this process, the ScCO2 in the solvent serves 2 purposes:
Senest vurdert og redigert av kafetzou - 6 August 2007 06:05

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6 August 2007 01:44

Antall Innlegg: 7963
samanthalee, what is ScCO2 and what is "ternary"?

CC: samanthalee

7 August 2007 12:00

Antall Innlegg: 235
ScCO2 is supercritical carbon dioxide. In the original text it is written as supercritical CO2.
Supercritical is an "unusual" state of matter in Chemistry where both liquid and gaseous states of a compound co-exist and are indistinguishable from each other (an interesting and exciting discovery with many useful applications)

"ternary" is a fancy word in chemistry that means "containing 3 things" (in ordinary English, I'd have said "containing 3 elements", but as it is, "elements" cannot be lightly used in Chemistry. ) "Ternary phase mixture" thus means "a phase mixture that contains 3 different phases" (a term that is unnecessarily complicated, but that's science for you. )

6 August 2007 06:04

Antall Innlegg: 7963
Wow - thanks for the chemistry lesson - and to think I have a B.A. in Biology!!! Oh well, I left science in 1982 ... before most of you guys were born.