Përkthime - Frengjisht-Anglisht - J'ACCUSE - 3ème partie -Statusi aktual Përkthime
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Kategori Jeta e perditshme - Shëndet / Mjekësi | J'ACCUSE - 3ème partie - | | gjuha e tekstit origjinal: Frengjisht
... mais il faut dissuader les fumeurs non vapoteurs !
L'enjeu est ailleurs !
On peut considérer qu'en France il y a environ 15 à 20 millions de fumeurs (le chiffre est en fait assez difficilement cernable). Un million environ est déjà passé à la cigarette électronique ... Toute la question qui taraude nos élites et les divers lobbys est : que va-t-on faire des 14 à 19 millions restants ? Ou autrement exprimé, qui va capter cette manne ?
Nous sommes actuellement dans une phase de grandes manoeuvres à tous les niveaux (en coulisses bien sûr, au niveau franco français et au niveau européen). La désinformation à laquelle vient de se livrer 60 millions de consommateurs n'en est que la face émergée, celle qui tend à modeler l'opinion publique en fonction des mesures vers lesquelles on veut l'orienter en douceur ... « dormez gobez dormez gobez … je le veux ! »
Il convient donc d'arrêter l'hémorragie de toute urgence et par tous les moyens ... et puisque les scientifiques ne veulent pas dire que la cigarette électronique est très dangereuse, demandons à ce qui ressemble de très loin à un journaliste de le faire ...
En plus la mécanique est simple, bien rodée et a déjà à maintes reprises fait la preuve de son efficacité (à court terme en tout cas) :
- Un ministère veut faire passer un message, - il mandate un des multiples organismes qui dépendent de lui de le faire ... Si de surcroît cet organisme dispose d'un organe de presse grand public, c'est encore mieux ! - L'organe de presse en question se fend d'une pseudo étude pseudo technique (*) et trouve (une forte toxicité) ce qu'une équipe de spécialistes mandatés pour cela n'a pas trouvé (!) - puis pond un joli communiqué qu'il envoie à l’AFP ... - L'AFP très conciliante diffuse sans se poser trop de questions - et l'on retrouve un joli copier coller de cette dépêche dans 95 % de la presse du jour !
Et là tout y passe ... Ma préférée étant :"On a même retrouvé du Propylène Glycol" ... dans la bouche de la "journaliste" de 60 millions de consommateurs interviewée sur BFM TV (le propos dans la bouche ... pas le Propylène Glycol) !
Il ne manquerait plus en écho que Paul Amar dans le fond : « Ah quand même ! »
Cette bonne blague, la plupart des e-liquide à vapoter en contiennent 80 % dont il a déjà été démontré une toxicité marginale et non significative cliniquement !
Démontré ... pas "élucubré" au fin fond d'une obscure rédaction étatique ...
(*) Cette pseudo étude n’a absolument aucune crédibilité scientifique, aucun protocole n’est publié et les nombreuses incohérences qu’elle contient n’augurent rien de bon sur le sérieux de la démarche ! C’est tout simplement de la communication politique habillée d’un voile de journalisme (très fin le voile …)
A n’en pas douter, dans les jours ou semaines à venir, il sera demandé à cette publication de préciser les protocoles qui ont présidé à son étude et à ses conclusions … et là , la baudruche a de fortes chances de se dégonfler … | Vërejtje rreth përkthimit | |
| | | Përkthe në: Anglisht
...but one must persuade the smokers who do not vape!
The challenge is somewhere else !
One must consider that in France there are around 15 to 20 million smokers (the figure is actually quite difficult to determine). About one million have already changed to personal vaporizers. The question that torments our experts and various lobbies is: what will we do with the other 14 to 19 million? Or otherwise expressed, who will capture this group?
We are actually in a time of big change on all levels (behind the scenes of course, at a French and European level) . The misinformation that has been delivered to 60 million consumers is just the tip of the iceberg, one that tends to shape public opinion based on the measures to which we want to steer smoothly ... "sleep gullible, sleep gullible... I do it! »
It is therefore necessary to urgently stop the damage by all means... and since scientists don't want to say that personal vaporizers are very dangerous, let's ask a journalist, from an outside perspective, to do it.
Furthermore the mechanics are simple, vaporizers are well established and have already demonstrated, repeatedly, that are effective (short term anyway):
- A minister would like to spread a message, -He instructs one of the many organisations which depend on him to do so... If the organisation also has media outlet, that's even better! - The newspaper in question splits a pseudo technical study (*) and found (a strong toxicity) that the team of experts appointed for this did not find (!) - then pens a nice letter to AFP... - The very accommodating AFP broadcasts without asking too many questions - then, one can find a nice copy of this news in 95% of the days press!
And then everything starts going ... My favorite is: "We even find Propylene Glycol" ... in the mouth of the "journalist" of 60 million consumers interviewed by BFM TV. The only thing missing was an echo of Paul Amar in the background: "Ah anyway" ! »
This is a good joke, most vaporizers contain 80% which has been demonstrated only marginally toxic and clinically insignificant!
Demonstrated ... not "wildly imagined" at the background of an obscure dark writing...
(*) This study nickname has absolutely no scientific credibility, no protocol is published and it contains many inconsistencies that do not go well with the seriousness of the process! This is simply political communication dressed in a veil of journalism (a very thin veil)
Without a doubt, in the days and weeks ahead, this publication will be asked to specify the protocols that led to his study and its conclusions ... and there, the balloon is likely to deflate ... | Vërejtje rreth përkthimit | This was slightly confusing in some areas having not seen the other parts and the "or otherwise expressed: who will capture this group?" Is a bit i am not sure about but I gave it my best shot. |
U vleresua ose u publikua se fundi nga lilian canale - 26 Mars 2015 09:39
Mesazhi i fundit | | | | | 10 Mars 2014 02:45 | | | Wow - thank you for tackling this long and difficult translation, samedeinnes44. Before I can accept it, I have a few questions:
1) "the non electronic smokers" is not a known expression in English. If it is in French, maybe we should change it in English to "the smokers who do not smoke e-cigarettes".
2) "the electronic cigarette" should be "electronic cigarettes", I think.
3) What does "the emerging face" mean? It doesn't quite make sense in English, although I can guess that it either means "the visible surface" or "the obvious part" or something like that.
4) What is the meaning of "sleep swallow sleep swallow I want it"? That makes no sense at all in English.
5) "to pass a message" = ?? Does it mean "make a public statement"?
6) I think "organe de presse" can mean more than just "newspaper" - maybe "the media organization" or "media outlet"?
7) "se fend de" cannot be "splits" here. Maybe "comes upon"?
 "found" -> "finds" + "something"
9) "was not found" -> "did not find"
10) "makes a nice letter" -> "pens a nice letter"?
11) What is the AFP?
12) "without too many questions" -> "without asking many questions"
13) What is a "clip-pet"?
14) How does "l'on retrouve" = "found"?
15) I'm not sure why you changed everything to past tense here - it should be present tense.
16) Propylene Glycol, not Polypropylene Glycerol.
17) This part makes no sense (about the Propylene Glycol).
1  Who is Paul Amar?
19) 80% what? Propylene Glycol? I'm lost.
20) "rédaction étatique" = "dark writing"? What do you mean?
21) You didn't translate the last sentence.
| | | 10 Mars 2014 02:46 | | | Stupid program changed the eight + close parenthesis into a face with sun glasses every time.
Not  | | | 12 Mars 2015 14:50 | | | @ Francky,
Since those comments from Kafetzou date back to March 2014 and the translator still hasn't replied, I'll take care of the valuation from scratch in case you are still interested in it. | | | 12 Mars 2015 15:21 | | |  Thanks Lilian! | | | 13 Mars 2015 13:43 | | | -1- "the smokers who do not vape" instead of "the non electronic smokers" would be fine | | | 13 Mars 2015 14:29 | | | -2- replace "electronic cigarette" with "Personal Vaporizer" vapers don't like the word "cigarette" anymore.
-3- about an iceberg, what would a native English speaker say
-4- it's about what those who have the power want ordinary citizens to believe in through the media (TV, newspapers, and so on)
-5- spread a message
-6- "media outlet" would be fine
-7- "splits"
-8- "finds"
-9- "did not find"
-10- "Pens a nice letter to FPA (France Press Agency)
-11- see -10-
-12- "without asking too many questions" would be fine
-13- "clip pet" is for "copy-paste"
-14- "then one can find"
-15- indeed, present tense is more appropriate , keep it simple
-16- Right, Propylene Glycol
-17- this part ( "(le propos dans la bouche ... pas le Propylène Glycol) !" ) should be deleted, as it should be "DE la bouche" (from), so that the joke is inefficient and as Kafetzou said, doesn't make any sense.
-18- Paul Amar
-19- "Démontré ... pas "élucubré" au fin fond d'une obscure rédaction étatique ..." not that obvious to translate, as "élucubré" is just some kind of imaginary word, as if it existed a verb that would be relative to the noun "élucubration" - translated into English as "lucubration" by google translator. So it's about a fallacious theory. "étatique" is "state related" obscur means here "opaque"
-20-The last sentence is now translated (Lilian?) | | | 14 Mars 2015 11:42 | | | Oh yes, I included the last paragraph myself, just to complete the translation. I'll make the edits you and Laura suggested. OK?  | | | 14 Mars 2015 11:48 | | |  Thanks a lot Lilian! | | | 14 Mars 2015 15:02 | | | Some phrases have been translated too literally, like 'la face émergée'. | | | 14 Mars 2015 16:49 | | | Right, thanks for your remark Joris, we are taking care of some edits about this part as well as some other parts of this translation (as you can read in our previous posts above)  | | | 19 Mars 2015 15:53 | | | "The misinformation that has been delivered to 60 million consumers is only the visible surface"
"The misinformation that has been delivered to 60 million consumers is just the tip of the iceberg"  | | | 19 Mars 2015 20:15 | | | Done! I still couldn't figure out what the best translation for "dormez gobez dormez gobez … je le veux !" would be.
| | | 19 Mars 2015 23:04 | | | Well, it's like someone hynotizes you, "dormez, dormez" is what one says, about "gobez", we say about someone naive "il/elle gobe tout ce que l'on dit" (S/he trusts anything we say).
Hope it helps?
| | | 25 Mars 2015 18:13 | | | Très fin, le voile : a very thin veil. il sera demandé à cette publication de préciser... : this publication will be asked to specify... |
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