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Nakba Research - Kurde

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0 Texte:
Now we, too, have behaved like Nazis and my whole being is shaken. Obviously we have to conceal these actions from the public, and I agree that we should not even reveal that we're investigating them.

Aharon Cizling, Israeli Agriculture Minister, October 1948
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1 Texte:
The massacres of 1948, that led to expulsion of hundreds of thousands of people from their motherland and establishment of a new state on religious grounds would perhaps fit some forgotten episode of medieval warfare. The human mind almost does not want to admit that this has happened just 60 years ago; but what it can't comprehend at all, is the situation that the people afflicted by these atrocities still face today, every day.
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2 Texte:
Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war; destroy their property and their cattle.

Manis Friedman, representative of Chabad sect in interview for The Moment magazine, New York, May 2009
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3 Texte:
This statement was made during an interview for the magazine Moment and was later dismissed as overstated.

However, during the unprecedented assault Israel has unleashed against people of Gaza earlier this year (2009), as reported by Steve Kamlish QC, a member of International Federation for Human Rights mission, Israeli forces targeted funeral assemblies, committed murders of women and children and traumatizing executions of innocent men in front of sights of families and friends; there has been apparent and systemic carpet bombardment of buildings, crop fields and even shooting livestock animals into the head.

All this appeared in the main media headlines, you may remember, as "military operation aimed at stopping terrorists firing rockets into southern Israel"
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