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Tekst oryginalny - Angielski - counseling women the literature"on women's...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: AngielskiTurecki

Kategoria Wyjaśnienia - Edukacja

counseling women the literature"on women's...
Tekst to przetłumaczenia
Wprowadzone przez funda81
Język źródłowy: Angielski

Counseling women
The literature"on women's rights portrays the historic and contemporary stereotyping of women, its causes, and, in particular, its adversive results on both women and men.
The many fictions about women are undoubtedly well known to counselors and need only to be mentioned here. Among them are that women are; weak and need to be sheltered; intellectually inferior to men; rightfully belong only to the home;should only work in
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
counseling: danışmanlık
psikoloji yazısı kadın danışmanlığını açıklıyor
Ostatnio edytowany przez Francky5591 - 30 Listopad 2006 20:13