Hello, tristan!
You first translated this text by :
"Finalement! des groupies qui semblent normal..
Je ne suis pas etonné qu'ils aiment aller à la France tellement."
Then you added in the comments area :
" Finalement" ou "enfin"
- Quand "je" est féminin, c'est étonné(e)
- je ne suis pas sûr 'tellement' est avant 'à la France' ou arrière 'à la France'
-About "finalement" and "enfin", you're absolutely right!
-You did a small mistake, because "normal" was here an adjective and had to be typed according to its name(groupies), so that it would be "normales"
But here is some formulation that would solve our problems
1) If you want to keep "normal" in its neutral form, use the idiomatic "qui ont l'air" instead of "semblent", because if you keep "semblent", then you've got to use the feminine gender, and the plural form as the adjective would be relative to "groupies"("qui semblent normales. By using this idiomatic form "ont l'air, from "avoir l'air"", your adjective just has to be at its neutral form,(according to "l'air"

even if the subject is feminine-plural...
2) same kind of problem solving using the neutral active form and replacing "je ne suis pas étonné(e)" by "cela ne m'étonne pas", this way you don't have to wonder if "étonné(e) would be male or female gender!
Enfin! Des groupies qui ont l'air normal!
Cela ne m'étonne pas qu'elles aiment tant aller en France.