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Tekst oryginalny - Angielski - My honey ! it is me,can you believe I am in...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: AngielskiArabski

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My honey ! it is me,can you believe I am in...
Tekst to przetłumaczenia
Wprowadzone przez mester
Język źródłowy: Angielski

My honey ! it is me,can you believe I am in St.-Petersburg. I can't believe ,it
was wonderful flight and they gave red vine in plane, wow,I have never tried
such tasty one!!!!!
I went the bus up to the Subway from the airport .In Subway long went, it
was so is delightful
I was in travel agency today, but my documents are not ready yet, it will
4 Październik 2007 12:34