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Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Hebraico סגל המדריכים: 37 שנים של עיסוק באומנות לחימה...
סגל המדריכים:
37 שנים של עיסוק באומנות לחימה כדרך חיים ולמעלה מ- 20 שנה של ניסיון מבצעי והדרכה בהכשרה של הלוחמים הטובים ביותר אשר עומדים לבדם מול התופת, מטמיע בהם יכולת טכנית לחימתית גבוהה, נחישות, אגרסיביות, שיקול דעת תחת לחץ, קבלת החלטות איכותיות, יכולת תמרון, תושייה, אלתור,אומץ לב תואר הנשק ועוד.
אנגלית אמריקאית

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Inglês instructors staff....
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Italiano Restando in attesa di un gradito riscontro porgo ...
Restando in attesa di un gradito riscontro porgo distinti saluti
Saluto conclusivo di una lettera formale

Traduções completas
Espanhol Esperando su respuesta, reciba mis distinguidos saludos.
22Idioma de origem22
Turco yine aşk var dönüyor dünyam
yine aşk var dönüyor dünyam

Traduções completas
Inglês love
Idioma de origem
Inglês makale
This study explored how calculus students’ images
of the limit of a sequence influence their understanding of definitions of the limit of a sequence.

Traduções completas
Turco makale
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês müzik
Baby you’re perfect for me
You are my gift from heaven
This is the greatest story of all times
We met in like in a movie
So meant to last forever
And what you’re doing to me

Traduções completas
Turco Müzik
Idioma de origem
Inglês Titanic
Titanic is a 1997 American romantic film directed, written, co-produced and co-edited by James Cameron about the sinking of the RMS Titanic. It features Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater, and Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson, two members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ill-fated voyage of the ship. The main characters and the central love story are fictional, but some characters (such as members of the ship's crew) are based on real

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Francês Titanic
Idioma de origem
Português brasileiro Vivo em meu coração
Vivo em meu coração
A frase completa é: Lucas, vivo em meu coração.

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Inglês alive in my heart
Latim Vivus
Idioma de origem
Inglês twilight.
I miss you already.”
“I don’t need to leave. I can stay. . . .”
It was quiet for a long moment, just the thud of my heart hammering, the broken rhythm
of our ragged breathing, and the whisper of our lips moving in synchronization.

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Turco alacakaranlık
Idioma de origem
Inglês Place approximately one tablespoon of the rice...
Place approximately one tablespoon of the rice mixture in the centre of cabbage leaf. Fold in the edges and roll up. Place in a large cooking pot. You can build up the layers of rolls as you go along. Finally place a plate upside down on top of the stufeed cabbage rolls( to keep them compacted) add other one to two cups of water and a knob of butter. Let it simmer at low heat in a closed pat for about an hour. Check regulary add a little more water if necessary.

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Búlgaro Поставете приблизително
Idioma de origem
Italiano plamen

Sono un distributore privato e sono localizzato in Londra nel Regno Unito. Ho comprato questa macchina mentre stavo lavorando in Italia, ora sono di nuovo al Regno Unito e la voglio vendere. La macchina è registrata in Italia, ha tutti i documenti scritti in italiano. La macchina funziona benissimo e tra l'altro si trova in eccelente condizioni, e non è mai stata accidentata. Se si decide di acquistare la mia macchina posso organizzare la consegna per il vostro paese e 10 giorni

Traduções completas
Búlgaro Пламен
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Sérvio nisam lud jos te volim
nisam lud jos te volim

Traduções completas
Búlgaro Не съм луд още те обичам
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Hindi kuch kuch hota hai
kuch kuch hota hai
kuch kuch hota hai

Traduções completas
Espanhol Algo sucede
Turco Bir ÅŸey oldu.
Búlgaro Cтава нещо
Sérvio NeÅ¡to se deÅ¡ava.
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês know you now - хелп
I never wanna be without you
Oh no, here I go, now you know
What I feel about you
There's no runnin
Must've been wrong to doubt you
Oh no, there I go, no control
And I'm fallin so, now you know
от английски език на български

Traduções completas
Búlgaro Познавам те сега - хелп
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Grego Thelis na wlepis dikomu trito podi ?
Thelis na wlepis dikomu trito podi ?

Traduções completas
Polonês Chcesz zobaczyć mojÄ… trzeciÄ… nogÄ™?
Idioma de origem
Inglês Miss Stuart likes art. She has us bring old...
Miss Stuart likes art. She has us bring old shirts of our fathers from home, so we can do messier art without getting our clothes dirty. While we scissor and paint and paste she walks the aisles in her nurse’s mask, looking over our shoulders. But if anyone, a boy, draws a silly picture on purpose, she holds the page up in mocking outrage. "This guy here thinks he's being smarrut. You’ve got more between the ears than that!”. And she flicks him on the ear with her thumb and fingernail.
For her, we make the familiar paper objects, the pumpkins, the Christmas bells, but she has us to do other things too. We make complicated floral patterns with a compass, we glue odd substances to cardboard backings: feathers, sequins, pieces of macaroni garishly dyed, lengths of drinking-straw. We do group murals on the blackboards or on large rolls of brown paper. We draw pictures about foreign countries: Mexico with cactuses and men in enormous hats, China with cones on the heads and seeing-eye boats, India with what we intend to be graceful, silk-draped women balancing cooper urns, and jewels on their foreheads.
I like these foreign pictures because I can believe in them. I desperately need to believe that somewhere else these other foreign people exist. No matter that at Sunday School I’ve been told such people are either starving or heathens or both. No matter that my weekly collection goes to convert them, feed them, smarten them up. Miss Lumley saw them as crafty, given to he eating of outlandish or disgusting foods and to acts of treachery against the British, but I prefer Miss Stuart’s versions, in which the sun above their heads is cheerful yellow, the palm trees a clear green, the clothing they wear is floral, their folk-songs gay. The women chatter together in quick incomprehensible languages, they laugh, showing perfect, pure-white teeth. If these people exist I can go there sometime. I don’t have to stay here.
“Today”, says Miss Stuart, “we are going to draw what we do after school.”
The others hunch over their desks, I know what they will draw: skipping ropes, jolly snowmen, listening to the radio, playing with a dog. I stare at my own paper, which remains blank. Finally I draw my bed, with myself in it. My bed has a dark wooden headboard with curlicues on it. I draw the window, the chest–of-drawers. I color in the night. My hand holding the black crayon presses down, harder and harder, until the picture is entirely black, until only a faint shadow of my bed and my head on the pillow remains to be seen.
<edit> "smarrut" with "smart" </edit> (02/25/francky)

Traduções completas
Romeno Domnişoarei Stuart îi place arta.
Idioma de origem
Português brasileiro Estou muito feliz em escrever para você.
Estou muito feliz em escrever para você.
Gostaria que você me falasse um pouco de seu pais.como é viver ai.

Traduções completas
Inglês I'm very happy to be writing to you.
Idioma de origem
Inglês "download video" text
download video
download youtube videos
Direct Download
Paste a YouTube video link and click the download video button.
Tick the Direct Download box to start download immediately.
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Free online FLV Converter
Now click this link to download video
french in france

Traduções completas
Francês texte au sujet du téléchargement des vidéos
Polonês "pobieranie filmu" tekst
Holandês "Download video" tekst
Italiano testo download
Romeno Descărcaţi clipuri video...
Espanhol Descargue video
Tcheco "stahování videa"
Português brasileiro Texto "baixar vídeo".
Idioma de origem
Sueco Kära X Vi vill önska dig en riktigt God Jul och...
Kära X
Vi vill önska dig en riktigt God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År.
Hoppas att du får njuta av en fin helg.
Vi brukar ju resa bort över helgerna men stannar hemma i år.
Några av barnbarnen kommer för att hälsa på oss några dagar.
B. & M.
Names (B.-female, M.-male)abbrev.
Edited "få" --> "får" /pias 090206.

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Finlandês Rakas X
Espanhol Feliz Navidad
Idioma de origem
Sueco Hej och välkommna till mexico
Hej och välkommna till mexico

Traduções completas
Espanhol Hola y... ¡Bienvenidos a México!
Idioma de origem
Polonês jestem sÅ‚owianinem
jestem słowianinem
chciałbym aby tłumaczenie był napisany Serbską Cyrylicą

Traduções completas
Sérvio Ја сам Словен
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