Tradução - Inglês-Hebraico - A rewrite system is a set of rules with the...Estado atual Tradução
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Categoria Computadores / Internet | A rewrite system is a set of rules with the... | | Idioma de origem: Inglês
A rewrite system is a set of rules with the following format: S ïƒ T where S is some expression that is transformed into T when the rule is used. In this assignment you will write a program that will check if a rewrite system terminates or if there is a chance that it includes infinite loops.
The set of rules will be held in an AVL tree. The left hand side expression in every rule will serve as the key in the search tree.
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| מערכת שכתוב ×”×™× ×¡×“×¨×” של חוקי×.. | | Idioma alvo: Hebraico
מערכת שכתוב ×”×™× ×¡×“×¨×” של ×—×•×§×™× ×‘×¤×•×¨×ž×˜ הב×: ס' - ת' ×›×שר ס' ×”×•× ×‘×™×˜×•×™ כלשהו ×שר הופך לת' בעת ×©×ž×©×ª×ž×©×™× ×‘×—×•×§. במשימה זו ××ª× ×ª×›×ª×‘×• ×ª×•×›× ×™×ª ×שר תבדוק ×¢× ×ž×¢×¨×›×ª שכתוב ×”×™× ×¡×•×¤×™×ª ×ו ×©×ž× ×™×© סיכוי ×©×”×™× ×›×•×œ×œ×ª ×ž×¢×’×œ×™× ××™× ×¡×•×¤×™×™×.
סדרת ×”×—×•×§×™× ×™×•×—×–×§×• בעץ ×”××™×™.וי.×ל. הביטוי בצד השמ×לי בכל חוק ישרת בתור המפתח בעץ החיפוש. |
Último validado ou editado por ittaihen - 27 Junho 2007 08:51