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Text original - Anglès - Peking duck breeder production is a highly...

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Peking duck breeder production is a highly...
Text a traduir
Enviat per bjkgsfb
Idioma orígen: Anglès

Peking duck breeder production is a highly specialised area of commercial poultry activities. The reproductive capacity of parent stock is very high and ranks between that of a layer and a broiler breeder. However there are a number of aspects in the management requirement of this species that make Peking duck breeders distinctively unique and interesting to work with.
Notes sobre la traducció
<edit>"manegement" with "management" and "Peking duck bereeders" with "Peking duck breeders"(05/25/francky)
Darrera edició per Francky5591 - 25 Maig 2008 01:21