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Traducció - Anglès-Turc - On 19th of February it will be half a ...

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On 19th of February it will be half a ...
Enviat per leyla canim
Idioma orígen: Anglès

On 19th of February it will be half a year since we are together, but let's celebrate it on 14th of February, Saint Valentine's day

19 Şubat'ta birlikte olmamızın

Traduït per fikomix
Idioma destí: Turc

19 Şubat'ta beraber olmamızın yarım yılı olacak,izin ver bunu 14 Şubat'ta kutlayalım, sevgililer gününde.
Darrera validació o edició per canaydemir - 14 Febrer 2009 17:33