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Textul original - Thai - เก่งๆ เว้าได้ตั้ง 2 ภาษา

Status actualTextul original
Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: ThaiEnglezăDaneză

Categorie Discurs - Viaţa cotidiană

เก่งๆ เว้าได้ตั้ง 2 ภาษา
Text de tradus
Înscris de Nissen666
Limba sursă: Thai

เก่งๆ เว้าได้ตั้ง 2 ภาษา
Editat ultima dată de către Jackrit - 12 Iunie 2014 23:49

Ultimele mesaje


12 Iunie 2014 20:38

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 138
Hello Jackrit.
Well don't think we know each other but I need your help.
Could you please help me with a bridge for this one so that I can translate it.
Thank you.

CC: Jackrit