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Textul original - Engleză - Clinical evaluation of internal axial wall...

Status actualTextul original
Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: EnglezăPortugheză braziliană
Traduceri cerute: Albaneză

Categorie Eseu - Sănătate/Medicină

Clinical evaluation of internal axial wall...
Text de tradus
Înscris de asoares
Limba sursă: Engleză

In the fabrication of casting post and core or inlay the line angle of the cavity floor can be seen even when the internal axial walls are parallel or slightly convergent. It is conceivable that more sighted distance will be required for internal axial walls evaluation compared with external axial walls evaluation. The aim of the study is to derive a practical and convenient method and data for the evaluation of the divergent angle of internal axial walls.
Observaţii despre traducere
Clinical evaluation of internal axial wall divergence in inlays and casting post-and-core fabrication - Journal of Dental Sciences
5 Martie 2015 20:25