Te-am văzut, mi-ai plăcut, ce-mi rămâne de făcut, nu indrăznesc să-ti vorbesc, TE IUBESC. Inima am să ţi-o dăruiesc şi din suflet iţi vorbesc, s-o iubesti şi să o preţuieşti.
Editat ultima dată de către iepurica - 8 Februarie 2007 18:45
The texts written in Romanian language have to use the specific letters. If you can not correct the text accordingly, please let me know and I will gladly do it. Otherwise, I will block the text till the modifications will be done.
I cannot correct the text accordingly because i am dutch and i don't speak Romanian. I got the text through mail from a Romanian woman. Thanks in advance. Greetings Jan
OK, no problem, I will correct it then. By the way, I have accidentally delete Dutch from your target language. That's why now it does not appear. Would you mind to introduce it one more time? I am really, really sorry, was just a stupid mistake.
Thanks anyway for your reply. Have a nice day!