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Textul original - Engleză - windows live

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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
windows live
Text de tradus
Înscris de lilith
Limba sursă: Engleză

I want to tell you about this new service called Windows Live(TM) Contacts beta. It's like an address book that updates itself. So whenever you change your e-mail address or phone number, I'll automatically see all the changes in my address book. Much easier than sending out a mass mailing to everyone you know. And the nice thing is you can still control access to your info - you get to choose who knows about you.
Observaţii despre traducere
messenger ın bir özelliği ile bilgi geldi ama anlamadığım için nasıl kullanacağımı da bilemiyorum yardımcı olursanız sevinirim teşekkürler
29 Mai 2007 04:20