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Originala teksto - Angla - AND AFTER ME, NOTHING

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Tiu teksto haveblas en la sekvaj lingvoj: AnglaHinda

Kategorio Poezio

Teksto tradukenda
Submetigx per lopezfly
Font-lingvo: Angla

Rimarkoj pri la traduko
Hi! I'm a spanish boy and I'm 19. I've just discovered this site and I'm so glad because of it, it's great to be able to solve what I'm looking for that way, so easy!.
The statement I've written is a part of one of my poems, and with it I could explain my essence, my whole poetry, EVERYTHING!; it's my slogan, so some time ago I decided to tattoo it in me, but in a non-latin-language.
I discovered the thai and hindi language; and I liked them so much because of these pretty characters, but I wasn't able to translate my statement neither to met someone who could write in thai or hindi.
The meaning of this statement could be confusing, could have more than one meaning, but they're the same in their essence.
I've written it in English because I consider that that way will be easier for you, "AND AFTER ME, NOTHING" means in Spanish "Y DESPUÉS DE MÍ, NADA"
"AND" wants to mean "the end of a series", and I think that this expression wouldn't mean the same for me without this "AND".
"AFTER ME, NOTHING": in "AFTER" I want to express the meaning of this word, something that happen after another thing. After "ME" there's a stop, a comma,and after this comma the word "nothing". This statement means for me that my "MYSELF" is the most important thing and that after death nothing will happen, nothing will wait for us (only an opinion, haha).
The statement could be bigger, although it wouldn't be the same, but would be ok, what I'm talking about is that MY statement is a contraction of THIS statement:
Thank you so much, I hope I've spoken well.
A greeting and thank you for making me happy!
2 Junio 2008 10:43