Cucumis - Senkotiza tradukservo interrete
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Originala teksto - Angla - This is proved by the destruction of the sense of...

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Tiu teksto haveblas en la sekvaj lingvoj: Angla

Kategorio Libera skribado - Sano / Medikamento

Ĉi tiu tradukpeto estas "nur por signifo".
This is proved by the destruction of the sense of...
Teksto tradukenda
Submetigx per علی جعفری
Font-lingvo: Angla

This is proved by the destruction of the sense of pain the disease known as syringomyelia (which affects the central part of the cord), notwithstanding the fact that the slightest touch can still be felt in the parts of the body incapable of feeling pain. It is probable that these nerves of pain have special endings in the skin, since does not appear to be felt uniformly, but , like the other sensed at special spots thickly scatted over the surface. And it is also likely that there is a special center in the brain for the reception of painful impressions.
21 Aŭgusto 2015 13:07