Cucumis - Senkotiza tradukservo interrete
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Originala teksto - Angla - tesmu acil

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Tiu teksto haveblas en la sekvaj lingvoj: AnglaTurka

Kategorio Letero / Retpoŝto

Ĉi tiu tradukpeto estas "nur por signifo".
tesmu acil
Teksto tradukenda
Submetigx per tesmu
Font-lingvo: Angla

man its time to start singing man we get better contserts if ou sing! i allready sing i have stars in cointserts birgit is going to make good songs for us. when she has made a few good songs shel start singing to ok so get your singing skillz up and later buy the backround vocals book so that you wold sing even better! remember get your singing to 5 not 3 stars we ened 5 stars
Rimarkoj pri la traduko
2 Majo 2007 17:03