Oh you mean every Japanese knowing to read can read Latin characters?
I didn't know that, I used to edit nature from a request and set it in "meaning only" any time I saw a Japanese text that was typed using Latin characters!

So from now on, I won't do that anymore. But in the texts in Romaji (or is it "romanji"?), there may be some mistakes sometimes, that are to be edited before being submited to translation. If they are not correct, they got to be edited, same as we ask for other languages too.
I'll CC you when in doubt. As if you, as an expert, have to take care about the Japanese as target-language, you may not obligatorily see all texts that are going to be submitted in Romanji; while for me, as an admin, I'll take care whether the request is "out of frame"

or not, and whether requester is a native Japanese speaker -in this case, if s/he learned Romanji at school, s:he has to submit a text that is faultless, I mean with the right orthograph and grammar. Other requester will see their text posted in "meaning only" except of course if they are correctly typed.
Thanks for this useful notification, Ian!