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Originalan tekst - Engleski - I am tall ,good looking, perfect body figure and...

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: EngleskiSrpski

Kategorija Objašnjenja - Ljubav / Prijateljstvo

I am tall ,good looking, perfect body figure and...
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Izvorni jezik: Engleski

I am tall ,good looking, perfect body figure and sexy. I saw your profile on( and was delighted to contact you, I hope you will be the true loving, honest and caring man that I have been looking 4, And I have something special to tell you about me, So please contact me directly through my email address at( )so that I can also send my picture directly to you.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
<url and e mail address erased/>
Posljednji uredio Francky5591 - 29 studeni 2008 11:04