Sveiki! Ateikite į mano vakarėlį. Bus tikrai linksma. Bus daug skanaus maisto ir gėrimų. Vyks diskoteka. Jei norite, galite atsinešti savo kompaktinių plokštelių. Vakarėlis vyks 8 valandą vakare. Ateik, bus linksma.
Hello! Come to my party. It's going to be really fun. There will be a lot of tasty food and drinks. There will be a disco. If you want, you can bring your CDs. The party begins at 8 PM. Come, it's going to be fun.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio IanMegill2 - 10 studeni 2007 04:05
Original form of translation:
Come to my party.
It's going to be really fun.
Three will be a lot of tasty food and drinks.
There will be a disco.
If you want you can bring your CDs.
The party begins at 8pm.
Come, it's gonna be fun.