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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Brazilian Portuguese Apenas vivendo.
Apenas vivendo.
Apenas vivendo.

Completed translations
Chinese simplified 唯有生存。
Source language
Turkish merhaba bizim özbekistanda tekstil baski...
bizim özbekistanda tekstil baski firmamız var ve burada araba müzik sistemlerini yapmak istiyoruz.sizin bayiniz olabilirmiyiz?

Completed translations
English Hello
Chinese traditional 你好
15Source language15
English Will You Teach Me
Will You Teach Me

Will you teach me how to sail
Through space upon a comet's tail
Will you teach me how to fly
To sail the skies on wings untided
Will you teach me how to soar
To see things never seen before

But most importantly of all
Will you teach me, teach me how to fall
Will you teach me how to cry
To release those feelings deep inside

Will you teach me how to laugh
And travel up the beaten path
Will you teach me how to love
With love that comes from God above

Will you teach me how to sing
How to sing through all the sorrows life may bring
Will you teach me how to dream
To face the future sight unseen

Will you teach me
Teach me how to be
The only thing that I can be
A song I learned in our vocal class.

Completed translations
Chinese simplified 请你教我
Chinese traditional 請你教我
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish 1.tanrım her zaman benım yanımda ...
1.tanrım her zaman benım yanımda ol. amın
2.tanrı her zaman benim yanımdadır.(benimledir)

Completed translations
Chinese traditional 祈祷
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Dutch ik hou nog steeds van je
ik hou nog steeds van je
i khou nog steeds van je

Completed translations
Chinese simplified 我仍爱你
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Seni seviyorum, keşke sürekli ...
Seni seviyorum, keşke sürekli yanımda olsan, keşke hep benimle beraber olsan, hep beni sevsen, hep omuzlarımda uyusan... Sevdamın acısını bana çektirme, sensizlik canımı yakıyor.
Before edit: ''senı sevıyorum keske sureklı yanımda olan keske hep benımle beraber olsan hep benı sevsen hep omuzlarımda uyusan sevdmaın acısını bana cektırme sensızlık camını yakıyor''

Completed translations
Chinese traditional 我爱你 如果你一直在我的旁边 如果,,,
English Without you my soul hurts...
Source language
English I need an invitation letter for 4 people to enter...
I need "an invitation letter " for 4 people to get Visa to China.
I think, it can be supplied from Government authorities or municipalities.
Can you do it for me?
Pls. reply me ASAP, whether you can or not.

Completed translations
Chinese simplified 为了取得入中国的签证
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish Jag älskar dig, vi för evigt
Jag älskar dig, vi för evigt

Completed translations
Latin TE AMO,
Italian Ti amo
Brazilian Portuguese Amo você
Chinese simplified 爱你一万年
Chinese traditional 我愛你,直到永遠。
German Ich liebe dich
12Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".12
English What doesn´t kill me just makes me stronger
What doesn´t kill me just makes me stronger

Completed translations
Turkish öldürmeyen acı güçlendirir.
French La douleur qui ne tue pas rend plus fort.
Italian Il dolore che non uccide rende più forti
Indonesian Apa dengan tidak membunuhmu membuat kamu makin kuat.
Russian То что тебя не убивает, делает тебя сильнее.
Catalan Allò que no et mata, et fa més fort.
Chinese traditional 物不殺汝則強汝
Bulgarian Това, което не те убива те прави по-силен!
Brazilian Portuguese What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
Japanese 君を殺さぬ者は君を強くしてくれる者である。
Arabic ما لا يقتلك يقويك
Latin quod non te occidit, uigescit
Chinese simplified 杀不死你的事,使你变得更强
Spanish Lo que no mata, fortalece
Catalan Allò que no mata, et fa més fort
Hebrew מה שלא הורג אותך, מחשל אותך.
Danish Det der ikke slår dig ihjel, gør dig stærkere
Klingon muHoSqu'moH muHeghbe'bogh vay'
Farsi-Persian چیزی که مرا نکشد باعث قوی تر شدنم می شود
Albanian Ç'fare nuk më vret, më bën më të fortë.
Polish Co mnie nie zabije, to mnie wzmocni
Serbian Ono sto me ne ubije, ojačaće me
French Ce qui ne me tue pas me rend plus fort.
Turkish Beni öldürmeyen beni güçlendiriyor
Hebrew משפט
Greek Αυτό που δεν με σκοτώνει με κάνει πιο δυνατό
Romanian ce nu mă ucide mă face mai puternic
Esperanto Ĉio kio ne mortigas min, plifortigas min.
Italian ciò che non mi uccide mi rende più forte
Hungarian Aki nem öl meg,erösebbé tesz
French Ce qui ne me tue pas ne fait que me rendre plus fort
Spanish Lo que no me mata me hace más fuerte
German Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich nur stärker
English What doesn't kill me, strengthens me
Italian Grazie a lui che mi rende così forte sono capace di fare tutto
Chinese simplified 杀不了我的东西让我变得更坚强
Chinese traditional 殺不了我的東西會讓我更加堅強
Hebrew מה שלא הורג אותי, מחשל אותי
Hindi जो मुझे मारता नहीं वह मुझे और मजबूत कर देता है
Latin Quid non occidet me, solum potest confirmare me
English What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger
English What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
Arabic ما لا يقتلني, يجعلني أقوى
Serbian Ono što me ne ubija, čini me snažnijim.
Korean 나를 죽이지 않은 것은 나를 강하게 만든다.
German Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich nur härter.
Japanese 私を殺さないものは、私を強くする。
Brazilian Portuguese Tudo aquilo que não me mata me deixa mais forte
French Ce qui ne me tue pas me rend plus fort.
Latin Quod me non interficit corroborat me
Ukrainian Те, що не вбиває нас, робить нас сильнішими
Swedish det som inte dödar dig gör dig starkare
Catalan allò que no et mata et fa més fort
Farsi-Persian آن چیز که تو را نکشد تو را نیرومند خواهد کرد.
Greek Ό,τι δεν σε σκοτώνει, σε κάνει πιο δυνατό.
Swedish Det som inte dödar, härdar
Russian То, что не убивает меня, делает меня сильнее.
Arabic ما لا يقتلني يقويني
Swedish Det som inte dödar mig, gör mig starkare.
Turkish Beni öldürmeyen şey beni güçlendirir.
German Was mich nicht niederreißt, stärkt mich.
Danish Det som ikke dræber mig gør mig stærkere
French Ce qui ne me tue pas me fortifie
Italian Proverbio
Latin Quod me non interficit, me confirmat.
English What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
Arabic الشيء الذي يعجز عن قتلي، يمنحني القوة
Hebrew מה שלא הורג אותנו, מחשל אותנו!
German Was uns nicht tötet, macht uns stärker.
Dutch nl vertaling
Spanish Dolor que no mata, hace fuerte.
Italian Un dolore che non uccide, rende forti.
Latin Dolor qui non necat robustum facit
French Ce qui ne me tue pas ne peut que me rendre plus
Spanish eso que no me mata solo puede hacerme mas fuerte
Italian -
Arabic ذاك الذي لا يقتلني فقط يجعلني أقوى
Greek ό,τι δε με σκοτώνει,μπορεί μόνο να με κάνει δυνατότερο
Turkish zorluklar azaltılamaz
Arabic المصاعب لم توجد لتدميرنا بل لنتغلّب عليها. الذي لا يقتلنا, يقوّينا.
Turkish Bizi öldürmeyen bizi güçlü kılar.
Hebrew מה שלא הורג אותנו מחשל אותנו
Chinese simplified 吃一堑长一智
Chinese traditional 殺不了我的東西會讓我更加堅強。
Italian Quello che non ci uccide, ci fortifica
Spanish Lo que no te mata te hace más fuerte.
Italian Quello che non ti uccide, ti rende più forte
Arabic كل ما لا يقتلك فسيجعلك أقوى
Hebrew מה שלא הורג אותך רק מחזק אותך
Latin Quid te non necabit, te confirmabit...
Hebrew מה שלא הורג אותך, מחשל אותך
Arabic عربي
French Ce qui ne me detruit pas me rend plus fort
Italian Quello che non mi uccide, mi rafforza
Latin Quis non necat me, firmat me
French Toutes les douleurs
English All the pains that don't kill revitalize me.
Russian любая боль которая не убивает восстанавливает меня
Spanish Todos los dolores que no matan me revitalizan.
Italian Tutti i dolori che non uccidono mi rivitalizzano.
Bulgarian Това...
German Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich nur härter.
Chinese simplified 不能杀死我的苦难会让我变得更强。
Chinese traditional 不能殺死我的苦難會讓我變得更強。
Italian Il dolore che non mi uccide mi rafforza
Indonesian Sesuatu yang tidak membunuh kita akan menguatkan kita
Thai สิ่งที่ไม่ฆ่าฉันให้ตายจะทำให้ฉันเข้มแข็งขึ้น
Finnish Se mikä ei tapa, vahvistaa.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian С наступающими праздниками! ...
С наступающими праздниками! Люблю, скучаю!..
Before edit : "Nastypauywumu praznukamu! Luybluy skyzauy!...." (thanks to Sunnybebek who gave the cyrillic version)

Completed translations
English congratulations to you on the approaching holidays ! love and miss you!
Brazilian Portuguese Parabéns a você pelos feriados que se aproximam! Te amo e sinto saudade!
French Félicitations..
Portuguese Parabéns pelas tuas próximas férias! Amo-te e sinto a tua falta !
Spanish ¡Felicidades!
Hebrew ברכות לך לרגל החגים המתקרבים!
Lithuanian Sveikinu tave su artėjančiomis atostogomis! Myliu ir pasiilgau tavęs!
Ukrainian З наступаючими святами! Люблю сумую!...
Chinese traditional 祝賀你的假期即將到來!我愛你,我想你!
Esperanto Gratulojn al vi por la alvenantaj feriaj tagoj!
Turkish Tebrikler...
Albanian Gëzuar festat ,të dua ,më mungon!
Thai ขอแสดงความยินดีกับวันหยุดที่กำลังจะมาถึงนี้
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian ciao kome va
ciao kome va ?? .. davvero carina .. se ti va kontattami su msn xxx@yyy.zz .. ciao bella
chce się dowedziec co to znaczy ten krótki tekst zrozumiała jedynie ze zeną sie wita i daje mi swój emeijl ale newiempo co

Completed translations
Polish z włoskiego na polski
Source language
Greek Καμία φορά σκευτόμαι οτι η αγάπη μπορει να σου...
Καμία φορά σκευτόμαι οτι η αγάπη μπορει να σου προσφέρη πολλα αλλα παράληλα μπορει να σου αφερεσει και πολλα...Εγώ δεν πιστευω στην αγάπη τη μαριαννα βαγγέλης λευτέρης ιωαννα και βλακεις μονος πρεπεί να ζεις ή με τους φιλους σου......
Θέλω αν μπορειτε τα ονοματα να τα μεταφράσετε αν δεν ειναι κόπος

Completed translations
English Sometimes I think that love can
Chinese traditional 有時,我覺得愛可以……
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Merhaba Utku bey, yapmış olduğumuz web sitesi ile...
Merhaba Utku bey, yapmış olduğumuz web sitesi ile ilgili olarak bize dönüş yapmanızı bekliyoruz. iyi günler.

Completed translations
English çeviri
Source language
Spanish Nunca te tiñas el pelo de rubio Me gusta el...
Nunca te tiñas
el pelo de rubio
Me gusta el que tienes
Siempre me gustaras
Sin remedio

Completed translations
Romanian Nu îţi vopsi niciodată, Părul blond,Îmi place cel ...
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