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Translation - English-Turkish - The acquisition of competencies

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This text is available in the following languages: EnglishTurkish

Category Essay - Science

This translation request is "Meaning only".
The acquisition of competencies
Submitted by kardiyo
Source language: English

The acquisition of competencies in the social and behavioral sciences (SBS) in undergraduate medical education, indeed throughout the long career in medicine, is a staged process that combines learning of several different types (cognitive, behavioral, and social).

Yetkinliğin Kazanımı

Translated by linguist85
Target language: Turkish

Uzun yıllar süren tıp kariyeri süresince, tıp lisans eğitiminde toplumsal ve davranışsal yetkinliklerin kazanılması bilişsel, davranışsal ve toplumsal gibi birçok öğrenimi birleştiren aşamalı bir süreçtir.
Last validated or edited by CursedZephyr - 28 February 2009 00:31