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Translation - Brazilian Portuguese-French - te quero mais q tudo e não consigo te esquecer!

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Brazilian PortugueseFrench

Category Sentence

te quero mais q tudo e não consigo te esquecer!
Submitted by anil15
Source language: Brazilian Portuguese

te quero mais que tudo e não consigo te esquecer!
Remarks about the translation
francês da francesa
<edit> "q" with "que"</edit>

Je t'aime plus que tout et je ne peux pas t'oublier

Translated by lilian canale
Target language: French

Je t'aime plus que tout et je ne peux pas t'oublier
Last validated or edited by Francky5591 - 30 May 2009 10:33