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Translation - Spanish-English - No me acuerdo lo que pasó

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SpanishEnglish

Category Song - Culture

No me acuerdo lo que pasó
Submitted by suchol
Source language: Spanish

No me acuerdo lo que pasó
Ni me di cuenta qué me picó
Todo da vueltas como un carrusel
Locura recorre todita mi piel
Remarks about the translation
Diacritics edited <Lilian>

I don't remember what happened...

Translated by lilian canale
Target language: English

I don't remember what happened
Not even noticed what bit me
Everything goes round like in a carousel
Madness runs all over my skin
Last validated or edited by Francky5591 - 24 November 2009 14:27