| | |
| | 23 تموز 2007 22:20 |
| | j'croyais qu'c'étaient les clilles dont ça parlait, pas des frangines! |
| | 23 تموز 2007 22:21 |
| | les caves quoi! les pigeons! pas les gonzesses... |
| | 23 تموز 2007 22:27 |
| | Mais je n'en sais plus rien, à vrai dire, en tout cas si c'est des meufs que ça parle à la ligne 1, j'ai bien envie d'être plus explicite à la ligne 2 en mettant (et même si ça ne figure pas -en ce cas pour une raison que j'ignore, car ça aurait dû-) "leurs manières contrefaites m'ont refroidi"... remarque, c'est un peu pour ça aussi que je croyais que la ligne 1 parlait des "clilles" et pas des "frangines"!
Si ça avait été des "frangines" dont il était question à la ligne 1, je crois qu'il n'y aurait pas cette "coupure" à la ligne 2 (absence de possessif)... |
| | 23 تموز 2007 22:31 |
| | My comments, on what I have understood of your conversation above:
1)I agree that it should be feminine.
2)I like "bagatelle".
3)The first sentence was awkward and cryptic in the original - I think it should stay as is.
4)What is "se dévoiler"? I think that's not right. "ne donnent pas" ou "ne donnent rien" is better - the original was "they don't give but show".
5)It's not literally "te vendent leur cul", but it means the same thing - it's "te donnent leur cul". If that means the same thing in French, I would use it. |
| | 23 تموز 2007 22:33 |
| | Il faudrait redemander à kafetzou par rapport à la ligne1, elle qui connait le turc, elle est peut-être en mesure de nous préciser?
Sinon, j'aime bien quelquechose comme "on les croirait toutes sorties d'un même moule", si c'est bien des "frangines" que ça parle, (bonne idée!) |
| | 23 تموز 2007 22:39 |
| | Zut et flute!!
Ce texte est tééééééééééééééérrible.
"Les types sont tous pareils, il n'y a qu'un seul modèle"
Qu'est ce que tu en penses?
| | 23 تموز 2007 22:44 |
| | Ben j'ai déjà "ma" version (23 July 2007 22:11, les fameux "alexandrins!)
Si c'est des frangines qu'il s'agit (je viens de demander à kafetzou) on prendra ta version ("on les croirait toutes sorties d'un même moule"
| | 23 تموز 2007 22:52 |
| | ou bien on fait moit' moit'! (on dirait qu'ils sont tous issus d'un seul et même moule"
oooh non !(beurk!)( ça fait penser à "entendez-vous ces serpents qui sifflent sur mos têtes", mais en nettement moins réussi!)euuuh, non, finalement je préfère (pour la version "masculine"  "Ils sont tous du même genre et se ressemblent tous", ou qqchose comme ça, non? |
| | 23 تموز 2007 22:56 |
| | Kafetzou, please could you confirm if it is about men or women at line 1 (if it is now obvious it is women it is about for lines 3 and 4, we are still confused about line 1;..) |
| | 23 تموز 2007 23:07 |
| | Wow, sorry, kafetzou, I just didn't see your
23 July 2007 22:31 post, you may think I'm really heavy! Sorry!
About "se dévoiler" it means here that women who make love for money with clients don't tell about their personal life, they don't give anything personal from them. I found it just to be opposed to something very ressembling at the beginning of the same line "elles s'exhibent"; so that it is so close and though opposed at the same time. If you prefer, it is a figure of style on a short sentence, I found it was much less flat than "elles ne donnent pas" a little like "Serge Gainsbourg" style, if you know some lyrics from his songs... |
| | 23 تموز 2007 23:11 |
| | Would mean as well "they may take off their clothes, but they don't strip for so" if my English is clear enough to express it, "strip" is to be read as "show what they got inside them" (inside their heart , inside their minds), do you see what I mean now with "elles s'exhibent, mais ne se dévoilent pas"? |
| | 23 تموز 2007 23:22 |
| | And "dévoiler" also means literaly "to take off the "voile", meaning "appearing naked", this has some similar sense to "s'exhiber" which is "to show", but here in the text it is opposed (close to each other with their respective raw meaning and opposed at the same time, but to be discerned,this is what makes this "figure de style"; Because these ladies have got a heart, but don't show it to clients, if they are sad, clients won't know, if they are even desperate, clients won't know, as they are professionals of sex, only their sex is used (and abused should I say)... |
| | 24 تموز 2007 01:01 |
| | This is also why I would think that the line#1 is about clients, I don't think this song is "first degree", and is just criticizing prostitutes, and despising them, artists are rather sensitive to women's suffering and I don't think they'd made them sink by putting their foot on their heads to keep them under water. Some men, certainly would, but artists, song compositors, poets wouldn't.
About line#4, maybe you would argue "well, if you mean that when the lyrics say "they give their asses for little money, the guy who wrote these words insn't despising with prostitutes" wwell, I don't think it is, it is maybe a "leitmotiv" of the collective conscience just tagged to say "this is what many people think, and so what? This is also what their job sadly consists in" |
| | 24 تموز 2007 13:08 |
| | This is nothing to do with prostitutes.He talks about the girls around in general.
#1 Types are standard and all are the same .
he means how people in general act and behave so alike.they dress same they behave same they feel same.it is like all a machine made robot.
| | 24 تموز 2007 14:20 |
| | Thanks a lot for this precision, serba, as the text was really too short to make an idea about which kind of persons it exactly was. Note that the last sentence of the text strongly suggested it was about some kind of prostitute (women or men, as genders in Turkish and English are not mentioned, but especially with "For a little money they give their asses to you", one could think it was talking about prostitution) this is why we started on these bases to formulate the text in French (as you can easily see with the posts above); So the French version needs some edit, we'll take care of that! Thanks for the notification (on the late though, but better than nothing) |
| | 24 تموز 2007 14:23 |
| | I think that Francky was thinking that it was about prostitutes because it says they give you their ass for a little money, but I think it's talking about non-professional girls who wait for the guy who's waving the cash.
That's why I said it doesn't say they "sell" their asses - it says they "give" them for a little money.
| | 24 تموز 2007 14:24 |
| | No, they didn't, this is because now there are two pages... |
| | 24 تموز 2007 14:25 |
| | I see them now - that's why I took off my "P.S.". |
| | 24 تموز 2007 14:26 |
| | Yes! you're right! a few minutes ago there still were these two pages, and now page 1 disappeared! (how weird!) |
| | 24 تموز 2007 14:39 |
| | I'll edit with the "flat" solution, as it is first degree about girls, so I'll replace "elles s'exhibent, mais ne se dévoilent pas "(about which I spent one hour to explain why I used this formula) with "Elles se montrent, mais ne donnent pas", and line 2, I'll use "leurs gestes stéréotypés m'ont refroidi" instead of "leurs manières contrefaites m'ont refroidi". Then for the line 1, I'll precise whom it is about, notifying the gender with a simple pronoun, and keeping attached with a possessive at beginning of line 2. This is for the French specificity, because French has got to be a little more precise to be understood.
(So english is quite subtile, "giving one's ass for money" is different from "selling one's ass"
Unfortunately, my level into this language was insufficient for me to appreciate this slight difference.)