Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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원문 - 영어 - Red Sons.

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Red Sons.
번역될 본문
manubt에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

Red Sons.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
I'm writing book, and I would like to know how I can say these words too. thanks :)
2008년 8월 21일 17:13

마지막 글


2008년 8월 21일 17:26

게시물 갯수: 4611
Isolated words.

2008년 8월 21일 19:04

게시물 갯수: 173
Hello manubt,

Literally it means: ألأبناء الحمر deeper translation it's: أبناء الشيوعية as the red coulor symbolizes the communism.


2008년 8월 21일 20:10

게시물 갯수: 12396
Thanks gamine, for having notified these single words.

I must say I'm a bit tired of removing texts we do not want to translate, and a bit upset to see that many of our members still translate them even if they are aware of what is said on this page .

Every time I'm obliged to reject the translations for technical matters and post a message to the translators, explaining why we didn't want these texts to be translated.

To avoid the single word request, it isn't very complicated, one's just got to add a subject and a verb before the single words, (eg : "they are red sons" for the above text) and the request wouldn't be out of frame anymore, translations wouldn't be rejected and thus requests wouldn't be removed. But apparently it's still asking too much to those who are willing to get a translation for free, but don't give a damn about the way the site works.(its rules)

It would also spare some work for us admins, who really have got the bad role in letting rules from the site to be applied. I often get insulted or talken to in a rude way when I'm just doing my job, and I must confess that I'm a bit saturated with that.

I won't remove this one, fed up with it.

Have a good evening.

2008년 8월 22일 03:08

게시물 갯수: 4611
I do understand you Francky. If requesters ask for single or isolated words, why don't we just let them down and don't inform them afterwards. They can read as well as we can moreover , once they have the translation, they don't come back. I suggest, they should earn the points before using points they don't have. I'm quite sure that another solution can be found. But, if I were you , I really would be fed up to. Sure, some people won't like what I say, maybe, surely, but I suppose most of us will understand you.

CC: Francky5591

2008년 8월 22일 05:30

게시물 갯수: 2
Well, I'm relly sorry about this situation. I just ask this translation for a book. And 'red sons' is a name of a legion. I'm really sorry...
I'll make better.