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번역 - 영어-터키어 - A rep took one circle around town in a helicopter...

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A rep took one circle around town in a helicopter...
yasemremin에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

A rep took one circle around town in a helicopter from a safe height, of course, heaven forbid he got caught with see-through pants, and proposals were made for relocation

이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Text edited thanks to kafetzou's suggestions.

Before edit : "A rep took one circle around town in a helicopter from a safe height, of course, heaven forbid he caught with see-through pants, and proporsals were made for relocation."


Sorumlu biri...

zaferakyol에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 터키어

Sorumlu biri, içi görülen pantalonlarıyla yakalamasın diye, tabii ki emin bir yükseklikten, şehrin üzerinde helikopterle bir tur attı, ve yeni bir bölgeye yerleşim önerisinde bulundu.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Kaynak metni aydinlatacak notlar:
Bu alinti, Elizabeth Cran’in ‘Clearview’ hikayesinden alintidir;
bir sabah, herkes uyandiginda , kasabanin renksizlestigini ve herseyin seffaf hal aldigini gorur. Dolayisiyla, herkesin patalonu ‘ici gorulen/seffaf’ olmustur...
‘sorumlu’ burada FEMA firmasinin sorumlusunu kastetmekte. ‘to catch somebody with their pants down’ deyimi, ‘ birini, yapmamasi gereken yanlis isler yaparken yakalamak/farketmek’ anlamindadir. Bu yuzden de, helikopterle ‘emin bir yukseklikten tur atiyor’ ki kimse onun gecip gittigini (ve bu halde) gormesin diye.

Kafetzou'ya yardimlarindan dolayi tesekkur ederiz!
FIGEN KIRCI에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2009년 3월 18일 16:49

마지막 글


2009년 3월 9일 23:56

게시물 갯수: 3769
otomatik çeviri

2009년 3월 10일 16:35

게시물 갯수: 2543
bu metin biraz garip sanki (asil metinden bahsediyorum, ceviriden degil), ya da bizim anlamadigimiz slang kullanilmis, dolayisiyla turkcelestirince anlamsiz oluyor. daha evvel iki kez reddedildi, ama bu sekilde sonlandiramayiz tabi...
aklima su geldi, belki de, en iyisi, yonetici cagirip, kaynak metnin dogru olup olmadigini kontrol ettirmek olur. ya da, metinde sorun yoksa, anlami konusunda yardimci olabilirler en dersin?

2009년 3월 11일 18:11

게시물 갯수: 1148
Hi dear admin,
Do you think this text(the original) is correctly written? And if it is, could you, please, help us to understand its sense?
Thanks a lot!

2009년 3월 11일 23:46

게시물 갯수: 12396
Thanks merdogan, Figen and Hazal, to me only the first sentence makes sense, but I'm not a native English speaker...I think the original text should be at least in "meaning only", if not removed...

Lilian, or kafetzou, what do you think about the original text?

Thanks a lot!

CC: lilian canale kafetzou

2009년 3월 12일 05:35

게시물 갯수: 7963
I think there are two mistakes in the original. It should read as follows:

"A rep took one circle around town in a helicopter from a safe height, of course, heaven forbid he be caught with see-through pants, and proposals were made for relocation."

A "rep" is a representative (of a company in this case, I think), and I think that "to be caught with see-through pants" is probably similar to the expression "to be caught with one's pants down" - in other words to be caught doing something secretive that other people were not supposed to know about. That's why the helicopter had to be "at a safe height" - so that the people on the ground would not see him passing over them.

BTW, "heaven forbid" is also an expression - it means "lest".

2009년 3월 12일 16:17

게시물 갯수: 12396
Thanks a lot kaf, I edited the original text.

2009년 3월 13일 19:56

게시물 갯수: 1148
Ok, thank you very much

2009년 3월 13일 20:37

게시물 갯수: 7963
By the way, I don't agree with merdogan at all here - it's fairly clear to me that this is not a machine translation, but not much attention has been paid to the rules of Turkish word order.

2009년 3월 13일 20:36

게시물 갯수: 7963
The whole second half is mistranslated (see my next post).

I guess "yeniden mevki" is supposed to be relocation, but it's wrong. Relocation is when a community or business is moved to a new area, as they are doing in areas that have been or will be flooded by the building of dams. I don't know what that is in Turkish.

CC: 44hazal44

2009년 3월 13일 20:13

게시물 갯수: 7963
OOPS!!!! I just did a bit of research, and this is not an expression or idiom at all!!! It's from a story about a town where everybody wakes up one morning and there's no more colour in the town - everything is CLEAR. So of course EVERYone's pants would be see-through. It really, literally means "içi görülen pantalonlar"!

2009년 3월 13일 20:19

게시물 갯수: 7963
Also, the original speaks of a FEMA rep - FEMA is the disaster relief organisation in the U.S.

So this would be my translation:

Sorumlu biri, içi görülen pantalonlarıyla yakalamasın diye tabii ki emin bir yükseklikten, şehrin üzerinde helikopterle bir tur attı, ve yeni bir bölgeye yerleşim önerisinde bulundu.

2009년 3월 13일 20:23

게시물 갯수: 7963
Here is the original text:

"Eventually the matter was declared a disaster and directed to FEMA. A FEMA rep took one circle around town in a helicopter from a safe height, of course, heave forbid he got caught with see-through pants, and proposals were made for relocation." (from "Clearview", by Elizabeth Crane)

2009년 3월 14일 11:43

게시물 갯수: 2543
Bu mukemmel, sevgili kafetzou! Hakikaten, cok yardimci oldun! Cok tesekkurler!

ceviriyi, ustamiz kafetzou'nun gosterdigi sekilde duzenleyebilirsin. o degerli aciklamalari da, alt bolumunde, metnin orjinali ile birlikte not etmekte fayda var. onaylamadan once, tekrar oylamaya sunabilirsin. kolay gelsin.

2009년 3월 14일 18:08

게시물 갯수: 7963
Rica ederim, ama bence oylama gerek yok. Oy verenlerin çoğu her halde kaynak metniyi anlayamazlar.

2009년 3월 18일 11:31

게시물 갯수: 2543
Hi, dear kafetzou!
Hazal's away for the last few days, and I decided to take care about this translation. So, I've edited the text, and added your notes, translated them into turkish, as well. Could you, take a look above, for one more time, please And, if everything is okay, I'll finish the evaluation. Already thanks!

2009년 3월 18일 16:30

게시물 갯수: 7963
That's fine, although I don't really think it's necessary to put all of my comments underneath the translation - they're here for anyone who wants to read. Your explanation in Turkish is all that's needed.

2009년 3월 18일 16:46

게시물 갯수: 2543
okay, you're right! I'll edit it again.