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원문 - 영어 - Turkey signs Nabucco pipeline plan with EU, key nations reject

현재 상황원문
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분류 에세이 - 뉴스 / 현재 상황들

Turkey signs Nabucco pipeline plan with EU, key nations reject
번역될 본문
yasojan에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

The Euoropean Union and Turkey gave fresh political impetus on Friday to the ambitious Nabucco pipeline project, although key Central Asian gas suppliers held off on pledging their support.
The EU sought to kick-start the long-planned Nabucco pipeline, which is to deliver Caspian gas while bypassing Russia and Ukraine,by launching plans at a summit in Prague to tie countries in the region into a broader Southern Corridor infrastructure project.
2009년 5월 27일 13:53