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원문 - 영어 - My husband of 39 years no longer hugs me or shows...

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My husband of 39 years no longer hugs me or shows...
번역될 본문
Dmitriy1111에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

My husband of 39 years no longer hugs me or shows me any affection. I have seen him through cancer and diabetes. We have four grown children, and we have been seeing a therapist for a year and a half. He is kind, generous and friendly, but there are no compliments or any of the flirtatious banter we used to enjoy.
He swears he's not having an affair, and he doesn't know why he has changed. Perhaps you do?
lilian canale에 의해서 마지막으로 수정되었습니다 - 2012년 2월 27일 16:00