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번역 - 영어-터키어 - "The Protestant community is negatively affected...

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 영어터키어

이 번역은 Turkish Christian News Paper의 프로젝트에 관여된 것입니다.
Turkish Christian News Paper

Hello Everyone!

I am creating Christian News Paper in Turkey. I want to deliver good news to turkish whom I love. Now I am learning Turkish as well, but also I need TIME! So please put your precious effort on this, you will be rewarded as well.

Thank you

분류 신문 - 뉴스 / 현재 상황들

"The Protestant community is negatively affected...
aquila_trans에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

"The Protestant community is negatively affected by contemptuous, disinformative media coverage which also has the effect of showing Christians – and in particular persons who have converted to Christianity – as targets for acts of violence," noted a new report released Saturday (September 1) by Turkish Protestants.

Issued by the Legal Committee of the Alliance of Protestant Churches of Turkey, the "summary of concerns" called for the Turkish authorities to create a "culture of tolerance" toward its minorities.

"In the last year, there have been scores of threats or attacks on congregations and church buildings," the report said. "The perpetrators have not been found."

The report concluded, "The State should be guaranteeing freedom of religion and the security of individuals and property."

Protestan Cemaati olumsuz etkileniyor

turkuazam에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 터키어

Turk Protestanlarinca 1 Eylul Cumartesi gunu yapilan aciklamada; "Protestan Toplulugu, medyada yer alan asagilayici, yanlis bilgi iceren, ozellikle sonradan Hristiyan olmus bazi kimseleri gostererek siddet hareketlerinin hedefi olarak gosterildigi haberlerden olumsuz bir sekilde etkilenmekte oldugunu bildirildi."

Turkiye Protestan Kiliseleri Birligi Yasal Komitesince yayimlanan Sonuc Bildirgesi, Turk yetkililerine, azinliklar icin "Hosgoru Kulturu"
olusturmasi yolunda cagri yapti.

Bildirge ayrica, gecen yil, Protestan cemaati ve kiliselere yonelik bircok saldiri ve tehdit oldugunu ve olayin faillerinin hala bulunamadigini ifade etti.

Bildirgenin sonuc bolumunde, Hukumetin, dini ozgurlukleri ve bireylerin, mulkiyetin guvenligini garanti altina almasi gerektigini bildirildi.
canaydemir에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 11월 28일 13:33