Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Completed translations

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Target language

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Source language
Romanian Bună ziua.
Bună ziua.
Mulţumesc frumos pentru ce ai scris în cartea de oaspeţi.
Şi eu mă gândesc la tine.
Edits done according to MÃ¥ddie's suggest /pias 080910.

Original: buna ziua
multumesc frumos pentru ce ais scris in gb(=gästebuch).
si eu ma gindesc la tine.

Completed translations
German Guten Tag.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian ceau tatae ce faci
ceau tataie, ce faci?

Completed translations
Italian Ciao, nonno
Source language
Romanian Ce faci? Numărul meu de telefon este...
Ce faci? Numărul meu de telefon este xxx. Încerc să-ţi scriu în italiană. Sper să înţelegi. Te pup.
Deleted phone number (AziTrad)

Completed translations
Italian Come stai
Source language
English Learn English! Try one of our exercises and learn...
Learn English!
Try one of our exercises and learn English in a fun way!
This translation should contain two rows, they are used as a title and description.

--- Context ---
This text will be placed on the website.
It should attract the users' attention and in a friendly / informative way inform them that they could try one of our exercises.

--- Language info ---
French: French from France
Dutch: language spoken in The Netherlands
Norwegian: Bokmål

--- Additional info --- is used to learn words in foreign languages.
An "exercise" is collection of questions that the computer will ask the user.

--- FINALLY ---
Please copy/paste or translate this information into the "Remarks about the translation"-field in order to be available to people that are translating from your translation.

Thank you.

Completed translations
Norwegian Lær engelsk!
Italian Imparare l'inglese
French Apprenez l'anglais ! Essayez un de nos exercices et apprenez...
Danish Lær engelsk!
Dutch Leer Engels!
Spanish ¡Aprende inglés!
Íoslainnis Lærðu Ensku! Prófaðu eina af æfingum okkar og lærðu...
Arabic تعلّم الانجليزية !جرّب واحدا من تماريننا و تعلّم...
Czech Učte se anglicky! Vyzkoušejte jedno z našich cvičení a naučte se...
Finnish Opi englantia! Kokeile yhtä harjoituksistamme ja opi englantia hauskalla tavalla!
German Lernt Englisch!
Greek Μάθετε αγγλικα! Δοκιμάστε μία από τις ασκήσεις μας...
Polish Uczmy się angielskiego! Spróbuj jedno z naszych ćwiczeń i ucz...
Bulgarian Научете английски! Опитайте едно от нашите упражнения...
Russian Выучите английский! Попробуйте выполнить одно из наших упражнений и выучите...
Portuguese Aprende inglês!
Laitvis Mācies angļu valodu! Izmēģini vienu no mūsu uzdevumiem un mācies
Hungarian Tanulj angolul! Próbáld ki gyakorlataink egyikét és tanulj...
Lithuanian Mokykitės anglų kalbos!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Arabic مرحبا كيف الحال اود التعرف بكي من اجل حياة سعيدة...
مرحبا كيف الحال اود التعرف بكي من اجل حياة سعيدة وجميلة

Completed translations
Turkish merhaba.nasılsın.
10Source language10
Greek Να ζεις το παρόν, να ονειρεύεσαι το ...
Να ζεις το παρόν, να ονειρεύεσαι το μέλλον και να μαθαίνεις από το παρελθόν

Completed translations
Faróis At liva
Italian vivere
French vivre le présent, rêver le futur, apprendre du passé.
Arabic عش الحاضر ، احلم بـ...
Esperanto Vivi la nuntempon...
Hebrew חייה את ההווה, חלום את העתיד...
English live
Latin Vivere
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Boisnís pa dobro se ti snalazis s tim jezikom
pa dobro se ti snalazis s tim jezikom
amerika inglizcesi

Completed translations
English Well, you're doing fine with that language.
Turkish Pekala, o dili iyi konuÅŸuyosun.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Αγαπώ το μυστήριο
Αγαπώ το μυστήριο

Completed translations
Turkish Ben gizemi severim.
Source language
Romanian Ciao. Am găsit un site care traduce texte. Durează...
Ciao. Am găsit un site care traduce texte. Durează mai mult, dar poate aşa ne înţelegem, până înveţi tu româneşte sau eu italiană. Te pup.

Completed translations
Italian Ciao. Ho trovato un ...
Source language
Italian Anche se per il momento riusciamo a comunicare...
Anche se per il momento riusciamo a comunicare poco sono due giorni che penso a te.

Completed translations
Turkish Bir anlığına da olsa....
Source language
Danish Hej, det er os fra Danmark. Tak for sidst, det...
Hej, det er os fra Danmark. Tak for sidst, det var dejligt at besøge jeres familie. Vi vil gerne sende jer nogle billeder. Vil det være i orden?
Venlig hilsen Brian

Completed translations
Turkish Hej, det er os fra Danmark
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Called m, wanted to talk to you, but you where...
Called m, wanted to talk to you, but you where busy whit some italian guests... probably as busy as you were with me... its all ok m, take care!! anyway, i hade a good summer flirt!!!

Completed translations
Italian volevo parlare con te
Source language
Turkish merhaba sanela kendini fazla özletiyorsun arada...
merhaba sanela kendini fazla özletiyorsun arada bir görüşelim.
sanela ya karşı bir özlem

Completed translations
Boisnís Merhaba sanela previse uzeljujes sebe
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