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Source language
Turkish "There and Back Again" başlığı film için spoiler...
"There and Back Again" başlığı film için bariz spoiler içermektedir. "Into the Fire"ın kullanılması oldukça mantıklı.

Completed translations
English The title "There and Back Again"...
Source language
Úcráinis Слава Україні! Героям Слава! Ще не вмерла...
Слава Україні! Героям Слава!
Ще не вмерла України ні слава ні воля!!!

Completed translations
Russian Слава Украине!
French Gloire Ukraine Gloire Héros! L' Ukraine n'est pas...
Spanish ¡Gloria Ucrania! ¡Gloria héroes! Ucrania no está...
English Long live Ukraine!
Source language
French Je t'aimerai pour toujours mon amour.
Je t'aimerai pour toujours mon amour.

Completed translations
English I will love you forever my love.
Portuguese Eu amarei-te para sempre, meu amor.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French Gages de jeux
Lucie imite le Pokémon de son choix
Julie aimerais-tu te refaire une partie du corps ? Si oui, laquelle ?
Antoine embrasse les omoplates de Mélanie
Amory chante une chanson du film d’animation de son choix

Completed translations
Spanish Medidores de juegos
German Spielmessgeräte
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French A fouette le corps de B avec ses cheveux A...
A fouette le corps de B avec ses cheveux
A souffle dans l’oreille de B
A et B sont des prénoms, d'autre à traduire :

Completed translations
Spanish A azota el cuerpo de B con sus cabellos A...
German A schlägt Bs Körper mit seinen Haaren
Source language
English It was supposed to be another casual ...
It was supposed to be another casual night out with his usual gang of friends. When he entered the club with his colleagues, he didn’t expect to be immediately pulled in by the brunet sitting at the bar by himself. He also didn’t expect to be so attracted to how the light reflected off his eyes or how his lips curved when he smiled.

Completed translations
Turkish Sıradan bir gece olması gerekiyordu
Source language
German Ich muss für einen Test lernen. kinder darf...
Ich muss für einen Test lernen.
Kinder darf keinen Alkohol trinken.
Ich kann heute nicht kommen.
Mein Doktor sagt, ich soll die Tabletten nehmen.

Completed translations
Turkish Sınav için okumam lazım.
Source language
English Spies tell us this was originally the plan, but...
Unconfirmed reports that Transformers trailer is attached to GODZILLA this week. Spies tell us this was originally the plan, but the title change allowed Peter more time to recut into a war movie.

Completed translations
Turkish Bu hafta Transformers...
Source language
Swedish Mina barn är min styrka och mitt allt.
Mina barn är min styrka och mitt allt.
Ursprunglig text: 'Hejsan. jag skulle vilja ha texten mina barn min styrka mitt allt översatt på latinska. hitta många olika och vill ha rätt då det ska tattueras. Med vänlig hälsning helen'

Bridge by pias: 'My children are my strength and my everything'

Completed translations
Danish Mine børn er min styrke og mit alt.
Norwegian Mine barn er min styrke og mitt alt..
Dutch Mijn kinderen zijn alles voor me.
Latin Liberi mei vis mea sunt...
Source language
Turkish Sen ne anlarsin asktan beskten
Sen ne anlarsın aşktan meşkten?

Completed translations
Danish Hvad i alverden forstår du om kærlighed? !
Source language
French Le vrai tombeau des morts, c'est le coeur des vivants.
Le vrai tombeau des morts, c'est le coeur des vivants.

Completed translations
Spanish La verdadera tumba de los muertos es el corazón de los vivos
Source language
Thai เก่งๆ เว้าได้ตั้ง 2 ภาษา
เก่งๆ เว้าได้ตั้ง 2 ภาษา

Completed translations
English Good, good, you can speak 2 languages.
Danish NÃ¥ da,du kan tale 2 sprog.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Allah sizi korumak için, bazı insanları...
Allah sizi korumak için, bazı insanları hayatınızdan çıkarır..
-Peşinden koşmayın...

Completed translations
English To protect you...
German Um dich zu schützen
Chinese simplified 为了保护你
Source language
French je t'aime encore et encore. Bisous.
je t'aime encore et encore.

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Eu amo você uma e outra vez.
Source language
Bulgarian Нека всички Ваши мечти станат реалност! Нека...
Нека всички Ваши мечти станат реалност!
Нека всеки ваш ден е изпълнен с радост!
Нека Вашите деца са ваше отражение!
Нека цялото щастие на света е Ваше!
Живи,здрави и много Обичани!

Completed translations
Turkish Tüm hayerller
Source language
English Launoy and Bienvenu’s toy was a rudimentary...
Launoy and Bienvenu’s toy was a rudimentary helicopter with a central
shaft, corks at both ends with feathers angled to provide lift as they
spun, and a bow (as in bow and arrow) drawn taut by winding its string
around the shaft.
Havacılığın doğuşu ve ilk kanat prototipleri üzerine yazılmış bir kitaptan alıntıdır. İçinden çıkamadım acil dönüş yapabilen olursa çok sevinirim.İyi akşamlar

Completed translations
Turkish Launoy ve Bienvenu'nun oyuncağı...
Source language
Spanish Yo amo a aquel que desea lo imposible.
Yo amo a aquel que desea lo imposible.
traducir la frase a frances

Completed translations
French J'aime celui qui désire l'impossible
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