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10Source language10
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) "Abençoado por Deus"
"Abençoado por Deus"
Gostaria que meu nome e essa frase que citei fosse traduzida para o hebraico, mas com escrita tipo escrita árabe, não sei o nome desse tipo de escrita.

Completed translations
Latin "A Deo benedictus"
German von Gott gesegnet
Turkish "Tanrı tarafından kutsandı"
Arabic مبارك من الله
Source language
Italian vieni qui da me altrimenti ti uccido
vieni qui da me altrimenti ti uccido

Completed translations
Romanian vino aici
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian vieni con me al mare altrimenti sei morta
vieni con me al mare altrimenti sei morta
lei deve venire al mare con me altrimenti ammazzo

Completed translations
Romanian vino cu mine
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian Моят приятел е висок и строен.Той има кръгло...
Моят приятел е висок и строен.Той има кръгло лице,големи сини очи и правилни черти
Френски от франция

Completed translations
French Mon petit ami est grand et élancé
Source language
Bulgarian zdraveite az sam anita az sam bulgarka,no jiveq...
Zdraveite,az sam Anita.Az sam bulgarka,no jiveq vav France.Az sam na 14 godini.Y4a v kolege Anatole France,v centara na toulouse.
Iskam prevoda na frenski ot France

Completed translations
French Salut; je suis bulgare; mais j'habite ....
Italian Ciao, mi chiamo Anita. Sono bulgara...
Source language
Serbian izvini sto nisam ranje odgovorio, ali to je zbog...
izvini sto nisam ranje odgovorio, ali to je zbog toga jer zivim izmedju subotice i tavankuta
ali ne volim da trosim sate koje brat placa pa tek onda pregledam
sto se tice brkova to ja tako mrzi me da se brijem pa onda pustam bradu brkove sve dok se ne obrijem
no dobro
ako budem dolazio do splita sigurno cu ti se javit evo bas pokusavam da te nazovem

Completed translations
French Je suis désolé de ne pas vous avoir répondu plus tôt,...
Source language
Danish hi hvordan har du det ? det er en prøve for st se...
hi hvordan har du det ? det er en prøve for st se ordbog

Completed translations
English hi how are you ? this is a test to see dictionary
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian non conosco francesco ma lui ti pensa e si sente...
non conosco francesco ma lui ti pensa e si sente triste perchè lo hai chiamato bugiardo.
lui vuole solo che sapere se stai bene e che sei felice.
per favore possibile traduzione in russo o ucraino?

Completed translations
Russian Я не знаю Франческо, но он думает о тебе и ему грустно
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English First then let us name Orpheus whom ...
First then let us name Orpheus whom once Calliope bare, it is said, wedded to Thracian Oeagrus, near the Pimpleian height. Men say that he by the music of his songs charmed the stubborn rocks upon the mountains and the course of rivers. And the wild oak-trees to this day, tokens of that magic strain, that grow at Zone on the Thracian shore, stand in ordered ranks close together, the same which under the charm of his lyre he led down from Pieria.
буду очень прзнательна

Completed translations
Russian этот текст относится к Аргонавтике
Bulgarian Да започнем с Орфей
Source language
Turkish merhaba kendimi cok yanliz hissetiyorum ve...
merhaba kendimi cok yanliz hissetiyorum ve konuşacak bir arkadaş ariyorum.aradıgım kİşİ sen olabilirsin.cevap verirsen sevinirim.

Completed translations
English Friend
Russian Друг
Source language
Chinese simplified 现代城市广场作为城市园林景观空间的一个重要组成部分,进行合理而有组织结构的照明就显得尤为重要。它从一...

Completed translations
English City squares and illumination
Source language
Turkish Van een email
Hasan eminim verrast olmustur? BAksana kapilara kadar gelip tesekkur etti demek. Kiz vallahi Yusuf sasirmistir onu gorunce. Peki hasan onu gordumu? Neyse ortalik fazla karismamis yinede. Birde vergadering olmayip eve girseydi. Aman yusuf'a ne oluyor sadece bir arkadas allah allah, olamazmi?

Completed translations
English Van een email
Dutch van een email
Source language
Croatian Naravno da hoce ljubavi
Naravno da hoce ljubavi
by boyfriend sent this to me in a text message and refused to translate it for me!

Completed translations
English of course
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