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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English there is more to life than just being alive
there is more to life than just being alive

Completed translations
Latin Vitae plus est quam solum vivum esse.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) três flores e três fadas são belas
três flores e três fadas são belas
Tradução para o latim.

Completed translations
Latin Tres flores et tres mulieres fatidicae pulchri sunt.
46Source language46
Arabic ميلاد العمر
.في أحلى يوم بالشهر

.حبيت أسبق البشر

.وأهني اللي أحلى من القمر

.وأغلى من النظر

.وأبارك لها بيوم ميلاد العمر

.وأطلب من ربي يحفظها طول الدهر

.وأقولها كل عام وانتي بخير وعقبال بليون عمر

Completed translations
French Anniversaire
English Birthday
Finnish Syntymäpäivä (elämän synty)
Source language
Dutch Wat mij niet breekt, maakt mij sterker
Wat mij niet breekt, maakt mij sterker

Completed translations
Chinese simplified 我总是越挫越勇
Source language
English United Automation is one of the UK's leading...
United Automation is one of the UK's leading manufacturers of industrial power control products we have achieved this position as a result of our technical strengths and a dedication to customer service.

The company was formed in 1964, since when, the business has

expanded continuously relocating to a new purpose built facility in 1999.

With HE Controls our distribution specialist in Factory Automation we strive to offer a complete solution to our customers

Completed translations
French Présentation de United Automation
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish Mamma, jag kommer att vara hemma ...
Mamma, jag kommer att vara hemma klockan 8 imorgon innan vi åker iväg. / Evin
Before edits: "mamma jag kommer att vara hemma klockan 8 imorgon innan vi åker iväg / evin" -pias 100806.

Completed translations
English I'll be home at 8 o'clock tomorrow before I leave.
Spanish Mamá, estaré en casa ...
22Source language22
Turkish şu hayatta anlamı yok hiçbir şeyin
şu hayatta anlamı yok hiçbir şeyin

Completed translations
English Meaningless
Source language
Greek bíblia
πας ουν οστις ακουει μου τους λογους τουτους και ποιει αυτους ομοιωσω αυτον ανδρι φρονιμω οστις ωκοδομησεν την οικιαν αυτου επι την πετραν

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Todo aquele,
Source language
Russian Бог и семья всегда со мной.
Бог и семья всегда со мной.
Бог и семья всегда рядом со мной. Англ Великобритании.

Completed translations
English God and my family are always with me.
Esperanto Dio kaj mia familio ĉiam estos kun mi
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian Не може да се каже,че говоря испански.С моя мъж...
Не може да се каже,че говоря испански.С моя мъж за кратко живяхме в Испания.Той говори малко испански.Като разбра къде живеете,каза че може някой път да си направим екскурзия и да дойдем при вас.Каза,че при вас е много красиво,пък и да се запознаем все пак сме братовчеди.Поздрави от цялото семейство!

Completed translations
Spanish No se puede decir que hablo...
Source language
Turkish Sanırım yakında bir araya geliyoruz
Sanırım yakında bir araya geliyoruz.
Before edits:
"Sanırım yakında bir araya umuyoruz."

It's edited thanks to the notification of 44Hazal44.


Completed translations
Spanish Nos reunimos
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English So pretty/so smart Such a waste of a young...
So pretty/so smart
Such a waste of a young heart!
What a pity / what a shame
What’s the matter with you, man?

Don’t you see it’s wrong/ can’t you get it right?
Out of mind and outta sight
Call on all your girls, don’t forget the boys
Put a lid on all that noise!

I’m a satellite heart/ lost in the dark
I’m spun out so far/ you stop, I start
But I’ll be true to you

I hear you’re living out of state, running in a whole new scene
They say I haven’t slept in weeks...
<edit> at line#3 : "sham" with "shame" and at line#14 "i" with "I"</edit>

Completed translations
Bulgarian Блуждаещо сърце
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Do you understand? I feel so...
Do you understand?
I feel so uncomfortable.

Completed translations
Turkish Anlıyor musun?...
Source language
Bulgarian Укриването на данъци е единственото...
Укриването на данъци е единственото интелектуално занимание, което носи някаква награда

Completed translations
English Tax evasion is the only ...
Latin Tergiversatio in vectigalis solvendis
Arabic التهرب الضريبي
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Selam. Evet, vaktim çok kısıtlı. ...
Selam. Evet, vaktim çok kısıtlı. Fotoğraflarını gördüm, yazmanda bir sakınca yok ama ben hemen cevap veremiyebilirim.
punctuation edited

Completed translations
English Hi. Yes, I don't have much time
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Lithuanian kaip sekasi dirbti su mano byla?
kaip sekasi dirbti su mano byla?
<edit> Added an interrogation mark</edit>

Completed translations
English How are things about my case?
Source language
Greek ζούμε σε έναν κόσμο που βρίσκεται σε διαρκη...
ζούμε σε έναν κόσμο που βρίσκεται σε διαρκή κίνηση και φυσικά η τέχνη αφουγκράζεται αυτούς τους ρυθμούς της κοινωνίας διαγράφοντας τα τελευταία χρόνια ένα ηχηρό booming και όλο και περισσότεροι ασχολούνται με τη σύγχρονη τέχνη. Στην εποχή λοιπόν της υπερπροσφοράς και του γρήγορου τρόπου ζωής η πολιτιστική βιομηχανία καλείται να προσφέρει μια πολυποίκιλη εμπειρία για τη γνωριμία με τη σύγχρονη τέχνη

Completed translations
English We live in a world that is in constant...
Source language
English Your translation is being evaluated
Sorry, right now your translation is being evaluated and you can't modify it. Any change you may suggest must be posted in the message field.

Completed translations
French Votre traduction est en cours d'évaluation
Spanish Perdón, en este momento su traducción está siendo evaluada
Chinese simplified 您提交的译文正在审核中
Polish Twoje tumaczenie jest oceniane...
Romanian Traducerea dumneavoastră este în curs de evaluare
Turkish Çeviriniz değerlendirilmekte
Swedish Din översättning är under utvärdering
Italian La tua traduzione è in corso di valutazione
Serbian Vaš prevod upravo ocenjuju
Bulgarian Съжаляваме, в момента вашият превод се оценява
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Desculpe, neste momento a sua tradução está sendo avaliada
Greek Η μετάφραση σας βρίσκεται στη φάση της αξιολόγησης.
Korean 번역물이 평가되는 중입니다.
Dutch Uw vertaling wordt op dit moment beoordeeld
Danish Din oversættelse er ved at blive bedømt
Catalan La teva traducció està sent avaluada.
Hebrew תרגומכם מוערך כעת
Boisnís Izvinite, vaÅ¡ prevod se upravo
Albanian Përkthimi juaj po vlerësohet
Faróis Tíverri
Íoslainnis Því miður
Arabic ترجمتك لازالت في مرحلة التقييم
Czech Váš překlad se hodnotí
Slovak Váš preklad sa overuje
Hungarian A fordításod jóváhagyásra vár
German cucumis de
Finnish Pahoittelemme
Lithuanian Jūsų vertimas yra atiduotas vertinti
Norwegian Din oversettelse blir evaluert
Portuguese A sua tradução está a ser avaliada
Slovenian Oprostite, vaš prevod se trenutno
Esperanto Via traduko estas taksata
Chinese 您提交的譯文正在審核中……
Russian Ваш перевод сейчас оценивается
Laitvis Jūsu tulkojums tiek novērtēts
Latin Translatio tua existimanda est
Afracáinis U vertaling word op hierdie oomblik beoordeel
Malaeis Terjemahan anda sedang dinilai
Briotáinis Oc'h ober war dro ho troidigezh emaomp
Mongóilís Таны орчуулга хянагдаж байна.
Úcráinis Вибачте, Ваш переклад зараз оцінюється
Estonian Teie tõlget hinnatakse
Nepali तपाईं को अनुवादको मुल्याङ्कन हुदैछ।
Thai เจ้าหน้าที่กำลังพิจารณาบทแปลของคุณ
Urdu آپ کا ترجمہ گ کیا جا رہا ہے
Indonéisis terjemahan Anda sedang dievaluasi
Hindi आपका अनुवाद मूल्यांकित किया जा रहा है
Vietnamese Bản dịch của bạn đang được đánh giá
Asarbaiseáinis TÉ™rcümÉ™niz qiymÉ™tlÉ™ndirilmÉ™kdÉ™
Tagálaigis Your translation is being evaluated
Seoirsís თქვენი თარგმანი შეფასების პროცესშია
Freaslainnais Dyn oersetting wurdt evalueare
Swahili Tafsiri ya cucumis
Macadóinis вашето преведување се оценува
Ancient greek Ἡ σὴ μετάφρασις διακρίνεται
Croatian Vaš prijevod upravo procjenjuju
Persian language ترجمه‌ی شما در دست ارزیابی است
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian no sono a italia..mi manchi....
Ma qua in Italia non ti capita di passare? Io sono vicino a Torino e mia è grande, non sarebbe un problema ospitarti... ;-) eheeh o se no possiamo andare a casa mia in montagna! Magari per un week-end! Chissà!! Il piccolo uomo italiano ricorda quello che fu e viaggia viaggia con la sua mente a quel ricordo di quella notte con te.....;-) besos guappissima !
Original text: "ma qua in italia non ti capita di passare? io sono vicino a torino e mia è grande non sarebbe un problema ospitarti... ;-) eheeh o se no possiamo andare a casa mia in montagna ! magari x un week and ! chissà !! il piccolo uomo italiano ricorda quello che fù e viaggia viaggia con la sua mente a quel ricordo di quella notte con te.....;-) besos guappissima !" [3/8/2010, Ali84]

Completed translations
English I miss you
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Πού είναι;
Πού είναι;
Bridge by User10: "Where is he?", or "Where is she?" or "Where is it?"

Completed translations
Serbian Gde je?
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