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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Οπως προκυπτει απο τα στοιχεια που τηρουνται στη...
Οπως προκυπτει απο τα στοιχεια που τηρουνται στη μοναδα μας ο ΣΤΡ (ΠΒ) χχχχ κατεταγει στις ταξεις του στρατου χωρις να καταστει λιποτακτης

Completed translations
German Anhaltspunkt
Source language
Swedish Barn börjar livet med att älska sina föräldrar -...
Barn börjar livet med att älska sina föräldrar - sällan, om någonsin förlåter de dem.
Barn föds i hopp om att bli älskad och i slutändan förlåter de aldrig sina föräldrar.

U.S engelska tack!
Om översättning på latin förekommer är även det av intresse!

Completed translations
English parents
Latin Liberi parentes suos de primo vitae suae momento amant...
11Source language11
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Teu grito despertou os deuses
Teu grito despertou os deuses
Então a manhã entorpeceu
E o puro se tornou voraz
E o corvo se fez terno
E a Mãe Terra nos deu Seu presente mais sincero

Mares de luzes sobre as árvores
Viagem em navio sobre os mares

Teu grito espreitou no leste
E caiu a noite no oeste*
E a horda dispersou
E os ermitões voltaram
E nunca mais se ouviu um pranto de desespero

Montes verdes no horizonte
Passeio suave sobre os montes

Agora em tua cruzada mais longa
Não mandas mais notícias
Mas venceste os demônios da terra e os anjos do céu
Fôra dormir à luz do dia, para acordar
entre o vinho e o mel

Teu grito calou-se no tempo
Então não se sentiu mais frio
E o calor nos abandonou
E os mares também calaram
Mas ainda se erguem as frontes dos mensageiros

Estradas longas e virgens
Vertigens ao longo da estrada

Agora em tua cruzada mais longa
Não mandas mais notícias
Pois venceste os demônios da terra e os anjos do céu
E fôra dormir à luz dia, para acordar
entre o vinho e o mel
Um poema a um amigo que morreu.
*a noite caiu no oeste

Completed translations
English Your scream woke the gods up
French Ton cri éveilla les dieux
Japonese 君の叫び声が八百万の神を目覚めさせた
Italian Il tuo grido risvegliò gli dei
Source language
English Evaluation of trace element contents in canned foods marketed from Turkey
Trace element contents of 10 canned foods (mushroom, corn, pea, mixed vegetable, tomato, red mullet, stuffed grape leaves, pickle, bean, delicatessen) from Turkish markets were determined by flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after microwave digestion. The accuracy of the method was determined by use of a standard reference material (NIST SRM 1573a Tomato Leaves). The contents of investigated trace elements in canned foods were found to be in the range of 2.85–7.77 μg/g for copper, 8.46–21.9 μg/g for zinc, 6.46–18.6 μg/g for manganese, 27.5–79.6 μg/g for iron, 0.05–0.35 μg/g for selenium, 0.93–3.17 μg/g for aluminium, 0.19–0.52 μg/g for chromium, 0.18–0.75 μg/g for nickel, and 0.20–1.10 μg/g for cobalt. The results found were compared with those reported by scientists from various countries.

Completed translations
Turkish Konserve gıdalardaki iz element içerikleri
Source language
French Nous confirmons que nous aurons le plaisir de...
Nous confirmons que nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir monsieur/madame à partir du (…) en qualité d’assistante en communication.
J’aimerais traduire ce texte dans un allemand professionnel, je n'ai malheureusement pas encore le niveau d'allemand pour le faire.

Completed translations
German Wir bestätigen hiermit
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish örnek aldigim tek insan o nerede ne yapmasi...
Örnek aldigim tek insan o nerede ne yapmasi gerektigini ve kendisine saygi duydurtmasini biliyor.

Completed translations
German Er/Sie ist ....
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Buna anlayis gösteremem.
Buna anlayis gösteremem.

Completed translations
German Dafür
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English evil quotes
"False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil."

Completed translations
Turkish şeytani alıntılar
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English When I'm broken down
When I'm broken down and hungry for your love, with no way to feed it...
Diacritics edited <Lilian>

Completed translations
Greek Χωρίς κανένα τρόπο...
Turkish Ruhen çöktüğümde...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin fides in animum unde abiit vix umguam redit
fides in animum unde abiit vix umguam redit

Completed translations
Turkish Güven, ayrılıp gittiği ruha asla geri dönmez.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hungarian Vagytok. Remélem még visszajövök Svédországba.
Vagytok. Remélem még visszajövök Svédországba.
Edits done on notif. from hungi_moncsi. Before edits: "vagztok remellem meg viszajovok Svedorszagba ." /pias 100610.

Completed translations
Swedish [ni är] hoppas jag kommer tillbaka till Sverige någon mer gång
Source language
Lithuanian Labutis, kaip tau sekasi? Ka veiki? Cia tau raso...
Labutis, kaip tau sekasi? Ka veiki? Cia tau raso tavo pusesere Sandr(...)
översätt till svenska eller amerikansk engelska. använd äm dubbeltydiga ord, skriv ut alla förklaringar.

Completed translations
English Hello. How are you? What are you doing now?
Swedish Hej. Hur mår du? Vad gör du nu? Det här är din kusin Sandra som skriver.
Albanian Tungjatjeta. Si jeni? Çfarë po bën tani?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish çevir kazı yanmasın.
çevir kazı yanmasın.

Completed translations
English Don't try to wriggle out of it.
Source language
Norwegian Hei og takk for mail. Jeg hadde min siste...
Hei og takk for mail.

Jeg hadde min siste arbeidsdag i Synnøve Finden ASA 31. Mars 2007.

Hvis din henvendelse gjelder ordre eller spørsmål relatert til dette, ber jeg deg kontakte vårt ordrekontor på telefon: +47 23 33 44 10

Hvis det gjelder andre henvendelser, ber jeg deg kontakte vårt hovedkontor på telefon: +47 23 33 44 00

Med vennlig hilsen
Jan Olav Langeland

Completed translations
French Salut et merci pour ton e-mail. J'avais ma dernière...
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Olá e obrigado pelo e-mail.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Sevgilim bizi böyle ayrı koyan Kadere boyun...
Sevgilim bizi böyle ayrı koyan
Kadere boyun eÄŸdik bile bile yenildik
Kırıcıydık üstelik sevgimize alışkanlık diye diye
Arıyorum geçip giden zamanda

Kayboluverdin bir anda
Åžimdi ne olduk seninle biz
Biliyorum döneceksin bir anda
Dün gece gördüm rüyamda çok özlüyorum seni

Ben zaten senden gelen her kederi her çileyi
Kabullendim sen gittiğin günden beri
Bazen duyarsan sitemli sözlerimi bağışla
Çünkü çok özlüyorum seni
acil ceviri bekliyorum plss help

Completed translations
English My love, even though we have succumbed to fate...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Сердечно из России с Днем Рождения! Оставайтесь...
Сердечно из России с Днем Рождения! Оставайтесь таким же радостным и подвижным

Completed translations
English A sincere "Happy Birthday" from Russia!
Greek Με όλη την καρδιά, χρόνια πολλά από την Ρωσία
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Japonese A love song
atarashii tobira no mae de guzuguzu shiteru hima wa nai, josou tsukete tobidasou ze, sono tobira keriagete, kimi ni datte kitto dekiru
This is from a song, I really wanted to know what it means.
(American English)
Thank you!

Texts written in Latin letters instead of Japanese original script shall be submitted in "meaning only", thanks! /pias 100609

Completed translations
English Don't give up when confronted by obstacles
12Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".12
German Wenn ich dich verlieren würde,
Ich weiß nicht was ich machen würde, wenn ich dich verlieren würde oder wenn du mich verletzt. Ich verliere mich wenn ich dich vor mir sehe. Meine Liebe zu dir kann ich nicht in Worte fassen. Wir haben uns gefunden. Das darf niemals enden.

Completed translations
Turkish EÄŸer seni kaybedersem
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Faróis havna gentur eru S tær nógv penastu gentirnar í...
havna gentur eru so tær nógv penastu gentirnar í føroyum

Completed translations
Danish Pigerne fra Torshavn er langt de smukkeste piger på Færøerne.
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