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10Translation - Serbian-English - U životu sam srela mnogo ljudi. Ali, kad bolje...

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Category Free writing - Love / Friendship

U životu sam srela mnogo ljudi. Ali, kad bolje...
Submitted by Roller-Coaster
Source language: Serbian

U životu sam srela mnogo ljudi. Ali, kad bolje razmislim, samo retki su me stvarno voleli. I ako pustim svoje srce da izabere, na kraju će možda naći samo jednog. I to je onaj koji me prihvata onakvu kakva sam. Pored njega nemam potrebu da se pretvaram i da pazim. Mogu da govorim šta mislim, a on da razume sve o meni samo iz jedne grimase, iz promene u mom glasu, pokreta. Razume me i kada ne razumem sama sebe i to ispunjava moje srce toplim osećanjima. Možda je zapravo to ukus ljubavi! Da, sigurna sam, sa njim mogu da učinim sve. Da se smejemo satima glupim šalama, da pričamo o najluđim našim snovima, najskrivenijim tajnama. Ima čudesnu moć da menja moj život. Zna sve moje brige i čini ih manjim. Moje tamne dane ume da ispuni svetlošću i srećom i da ih učini ogromnim, kao što je njegova ljubav! Ne, ne opisujem svoju majku, niti sama sebe. Govorim o tebi, mili moj! Hoću da ti kažem da te volim. Ne samo zbog onoga što jesi... Već i zbog onoga što jesam, kad sam sa tobom.
Volim te!
Remarks about the translation
Umesto jr2072002 :)

I've met many people in my life. ...

Translated by maki_sindja
Target language: English

I've met many people in my life. But when I think better, only few of them really loved me. And if I let my heart choose, it will find maybe only one person at the end. And that is the one who accepts me the way I am. Beside him I have no need to pretend and to beware. I can tell what I think and he can understand all about me just out of one face expression, alteration in my voice, movement. He understands me even when I don't understand myself and that fulfills my heart with warm emotions. Maybe that is actually the taste of love! Yes, I'm sure, I can do everything with him. We can laugh about stupid jokes for hours, talk about our craziest dreams, the most intimate secrets. He has a miraculous power to change my life. He knows all my worries and he makes them smaller. He knows how to fulfill my dark days with light and happiness and how to make them enormous just like his love is. No, I'm not describing my mother, nor myself. I'm talking about you, my dear! I want to tell you I love you. Not only because of what you are... But also because of what I am when I'm with you.
I love you!
Validated by lilian canale - 5 May 2009 00:25

Last messages


26 April 2009 18:45

Number of messages: 930
Hey F,

Should I release this one since I put it?


CC: Francky5591

1 May 2009 18:44

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
WoW! Touching!

1 May 2009 20:11

Number of messages: 1206
Yes, isn't it?