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90Translation - Dutch-Danish - Ik wens u veel rust en vrede toe

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: DutchEnglishPortaingéilis (na Brasaíle)SerbianÚcráinisTurkishItalianEsperantoGreekSpanishChinese simplifiedArabicSwedishDanishRomanianHungarianBulgarianPolishHebrewAlbanianFrenchNorwegianGermanPortuguese

Category Sentence - Love / Friendship

Ik wens u veel rust en vrede toe
Submitted by CasperDK
Source language: Dutch

Ik wens u veel rust en vrede toe
Remarks about the translation
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Jeg ønsker dig en masse ro og fred

Translated by PennyLane
Target language: Danish

Jeg ønsker dig en masse ro og fred
Validated by wkn - 21 May 2007 09:09