अनुबाद - अंग्रेजी-अफ्रिकी - Customize-exportation-translationsअहिलेको अवस्था अनुबाद
Category Web-site / Blog / Forum - Computers / Internet | Customize-exportation-translations | | स्रोत भाषा: अंग्रेजी
With the exportation template you can customize the exportation of the project translations to the language files. | अनुबादका लागि चाहिन सक्ने थप जानकारी | What is the exportation process? For example, you have 3 translations in your project. For the English language the 3 texts are "Home", "Directory", "Help". You can export the 3 translations to a file with a given template. For example you want the lines of your file being like «MyTranslation_[transref]="[trans]";» Then when you export the 3 translations of your project you will create a file (that we call language file because it represents the english language for your project) that will be like this :
MyTranslation_0="Home"; MyTranslation_1="Direcotry"; MyTranslation_2="Help"; |
| Aanpas-uitvoer-vertalings | अनुबादअफ्रिकी
johan777द्वारा अनुबाद गरिएको | अनुबाद गर्नुपर्ने भाषा: अफ्रिकी
Met behulp van die uitvoersjabloon kan u die uitvoer van die projekvertalings na die taallêers aanpas. |