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Translation - Danish-Latin - Lær mig at kende, og se, hvem jeg er (: ...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: DanishPortuguese brazilianItalianLatin

Lær mig at kende, og se, hvem jeg er (: ...
Submitted by Himmelhunden
Source language: Danish

Lær mig at kende, og se, hvem jeg er (:
Er ikke en skuespiller, men en person i virkelighedens spillefilm blandt andre..
Remarks about the translation
Bridge by Bamsa:
"Learn to know me and see who I am.
I am not an actor, but a person in the real life movie, among others."

Disce ut me cognoscas

Translated by Aneta B.
Target language: Latin

Disce ut me cognoscas et scias quod ego sim (:
Actor non sum, sed persona in vitae verae spectaculo, inter alios...
Validated by Aneta B. - 24 January 2012 11:06