Hello "kafetzou",
Here we 'go':
The original text is not Brazilian Poruguese but Norwegian: "GÃ¥ hjerte komplettere hellige til deg"
Depending on where the text derives it can have many meanings:
1. The word "Hjerte" could mean both the exact 'medical' term or the 'Christian' belief that the heart holds and encompass the 'spirit' of love within a person - In Buddhism and Taoism the 'solar plexus diapraghm' is believed to hold the 'soul' and 'love' within a person...
2. "Hjerte" in Norwegian especially but in English as well often refers to a 'beloved' person in ones life.
3. The word "Gå" (= "Go" = "Vá"

can have many meanings in Norwegian.
It could refer to i.e. 'Walk away somewhere...' or it could refer to that the heart 'keeps on beating'.
The word can be 'just a verb' or it could have a much stronger meaning since it's placed first in the sentence i.e. a 'request', 'demand' or an 'order'.
4. The word "hellige" - "sanctidity, holiness" can refer to the heart in all the meanings stated above. If so, "hellige" can refer to the "healing power of the universal energy of love" by Christians named God...
5. The word "komplettere" translated directly means "complete" in English but depending on what the other words actually refers to in the original text and 'context' this word can also 'hold' several interpretations and/or nuances of the word. If so, it could be replaced by a 'better suited word' for the context.
A loooooong answer on a small issue (regarding the length of the text).
To round things up - the construction of the text leaves open for the interpretations above, but by doing just that you can with some certainty conclude that this "phrase" purpose is just that.
If so, it's definetely not "daily talk" but derives from a poem or a 'Christhian text' - very likely the bible...
Well, how's that for 'concealed meanings' - challenging us translators.!?
Kind regards,
Mats Fondelius "figge2001"