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36Оригинальный текст - Английский - If we ever meet again we need more than 2...

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If we ever meet again we need more than 2...
Текст для перевода
Добавлено ninus
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Английский

If we ever meet again we'll need more than 2 minutes. A couple of days would be good. I have the day off tomorrow, so I am going to the football school with Louise. I try to convince her to play handball instead. Much better to throw the ball instead of kicking it, don't you agree?
I have some friends who are going to Barcelona on October 17th, maybe I'll go with them. Then you need some time off from work. I don't know what you did to me, but I can't stop thinking of you.
Комментарии для переводчика
diacritics edited, text corrected <Lilian>
Последние изменения внесены lilian canale - 12 Август 2008 23:11