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Оригинальный текст - Английский - Exract of writing

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Exract of writing
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Добавлено rickstar411
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Английский

Suddenly a train that was just leaving had a girl trapped in the doors the train started pulling the girl along. There were four other people on the platform the girls mum,dad and two workers. The train stopped and the girl fell. The girls mum and dad were around 30 and both wearing jeans her mum was wearing a white t shirt and her dad was wearing a grey t shirt. i had to call and ambulance because the girl had a broken arm and bruised ankle.
In the next two weeks the police will make me write a statement, i have to do an interview for the news to tell people about what has happened. i dont think i'm a hero but the girls parents are pleased i phoned the ambulance. The girl has made a full recovery and will be at school soon.
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I need this ASAP. It is an extract of writing i need for a Friend. Thanks :)
10 Июль 2007 19:33