Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
. .

Completed translations

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Source language
English up to lips that time forgets
up to lips that time forgets

Completed translations
Turkish Zamanın unutulmuş dudaklarına kadar
Source language

Completed translations
Turkish bende telefon numaran varmı?
Source language
English delivery status notification
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.

Completed translations
Turkish Teslimat Vaziyet TebliÄŸi
Source language
English In this study, we have developed an analytic...
In this study, we have developed an analytic network process (ANP)-based framework to identify the level of impact of
different factors on total quality management (TQM) implementation and to assess the readiness of the Turkish
manufacturing industry to adopt TQM practices. ANP is a methodology recently introduced by Saaty for multiple criteria
problems where there is feedback and interdependence among decision attributes and alternatives.

Completed translations
Turkish bu araştırmada..
Source language
English hold and release jump to launch into bat flight
hold and release jump to launch into bat flight

Completed translations
Turkish hold and..
Source language
English asd
Hail madenipara !

Thank you for contacting Knight Online Customer Support. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please re-write your inquiry in English for us to better assist you. For some helpful websites, please visit the links given below.,, Thank you. -Knight Online Customer Service Team

Completed translations
Turkish asd
10Source language10
Spanish Perdoname pero no podemos seguir juntos, tengo...
Perdoname pero no podemos seguir juntos, tengo que cuidar a mi hija, ella me necesita más que tú. Espero que podamos ser amigos.

Completed translations
English Forgive me but we cannot continue together, I have ...
Turkish Özür dilerim, ama beraber devam edemiyeceğiz.
Source language
Italian Caro zio Abdussalam Sono stato molto contento di...
Caro zio Abdussalam
Sono stato molto contento di conoscere mio cugino Feisal, ma sono dispiaciuto per non avergli dedicato tempo.
Purtroppo in questo periodo il lavoro occupa l'intera giornata.
Se avessi saputo che veniva, gli avrei consigliato di rimandare la partenza.
Ti invio i miei saluti e ti comunico che sto programmando di venire a Genan l'anno prossimo.
Ciao Massimo

Completed translations
English Dear uncle Abdussalam
Arabic عمي العزيز عبد السلام
Source language
Japanese Anata no soba ni itai kara
Anata no soba ni itai kara

Completed translations
English closer
Source language
Turkish MaCsKy ver 0.3 Cod3d by irdetofun Skynet...

Skynet 0.90 ÑŒzerinden modifiye edilen MaCsKy maximum
ve gerekli dosyalarэ indirmek ьzere tasarlanmэюtэr.
macs.dat dosyasэnda gerekmedikзe deрiюim yapmayэnэz.
Klasцrleme mantэрэ inen data tьrьne gцre ayarlanmэюtэr.

Completed translations
Russian Скайнет
Source language
Portuguese brazilian seduzir
É mover o dom
Do fundo de uma paixão
As pedras, catedrais, coração
É perder o tom
Nas comas da ilusão
Revelar todo sentido
Vou andar, vou voar
Pra ver o mundo,
Nem que eu bebesse o mar
Encheria o que eu tenho
De fundo.

Completed translations
French séduire
Italian Sedurre
Source language
English I want to meeting new finnish people
I want to meeting new finnish people

Completed translations
Finnish Haluan tavata uusia suomalaisia ihmisiä
Source language
Russian Ето това получих преди известно време. По...
Ето това получих преди известно време. По чуждоезичните форуми пише, че това е SCAM. Дали може да ми навреди по някакъв начин?
لا اعلم ما المطلوب فانا لا اتكلم الروسية

Completed translations
English That is what I received some time ago
French Voilà ce que j'ai reçu il y a quelque temps
Arabic هذا ما وردني قبل وقت قصير
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