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174 Source language General Information, personality, childhood... Please fill up General Information, personality, childhood story, background story, favorites, sexuality, weapon preference, weapon history, relationship status, likes and dislikes in this submission form. in kanji Japanese | |
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92 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". Ngiculela ikusasg Ngliyacula nao thando Ngicula... Ngiculela ikusasg Ngliyacula nao thando Ngicula ngelinyi langa Uthando luyobusa Jikelele kulomblada wethu Stevie Wonder - "Ngiculela" (Part of the lyrics)
Source language is Zulu | |
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187 Source language Omnes animales qui faciant excelces doctores... Omnes animales qui faciant excelces doctores exspectare suspensis furculis, non essende a marcata hora in marcatum locali, sofrerantur abominabilis et
arreptanditis sanctiones. Spiritus Dixit.
Dura Praxis, Sed Praxis | |
165 Source language Nic: hae ouÄ“s uÅbÄ«s malam rem magnam dabunt.... Nic: hae ouÄ“s uÅbÄ«s malam rem magnam dabunt. S:sed cÅ«r malum uÅs nÅbÄ«s minÄminÄ«? P: quia nostrÅs agnos conclÅ«sÅs habÄ“tis. Nic: nisi illÅs nÅbis prÅdÅ«cÄ“tis, arietÄ“s erimus, et in uÅs incursÄbimus. tradução de texto literário | |
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294 Source language De ludis circensibus De ludis circensibus Vetus populus Romae semper "Panem et circensis" poscebat Aediles populo saepe ludos faciebant. Populum crudelem atroces pugmae Gladiatorum in circo vehementer delectabant. Acres viri,cum un arenam decebant,Cesarem sic salutabant "Ave Caesar, moritur te salutant." Sepectatores de morte vibtorum police verso decernebant. Este é um texto em latim encontrado na literatura. Tem pesonagens como César. Fala sobre Roma e etc. | |
145 Source language Blade Master â€˜ë ˆì „ë“œ 스킬 – [불멸]’ 스킬 효과가 변경 ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. -공격 성공 ì‹œì—ì„œ í¬ë¦¬í‹°ì»¬ 공격 성공 시로 변경 ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. -무ì 버프가 ì ìš©ëœ ìƒíƒœì—ì„œ ë”ì´ìƒ 버프가 ê°±ì‹ ë˜ì§€ 않습니다. ■‘스킬 강화’ ìŠ¤í‚¬ì´ ì‚ì œ ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. | |
25 Source language Sempre e per sempre, ricordati. Sempre e per sempre, ricordati. Salve, mi serve la traduzione di questa porzione di testo della canzone di De Gregori "Sempre e per sempre". Nello specifico la devo far incidere all'interno di un anello, come regalo per una carissima amica che è in partenza per l'estero. Vi ringrazio infinitamente. | |
198 Source language Żyzne pustynie W słabości odkrywam swe prawdziwe potrzeby hierarchię wartości
W tęsknocie odnajduję swoją tożsamość utraconą Ojczyznę
W grzechu widzę swą bezsilność prawdziwą śmierć
W samotności dostrzegam swój ratunek kochającą Obecność
British English, please. | |
| Requested translations Hindi |