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Dịch - English-Chinese simplified - Decocoat acoustics is the solution to sound problems

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Decocoat acoustics is the solution to sound problems
Submitted by monkey_Q
Source language: English Translated by houtari

Decocoat acoustics is the solution to sound problems

The Decocoat acoustics method was developed in Finland and is patented worldwide. It is suitable for all indoor acoustic solutions for both new buildings and renovations. By spraying Decocoat you achieve a solid soundproof wall and ceiling surface. It is suitable for use with almost all known building materials. Decocoat acoustics has been produced since 1992.

Chinese simplified

Translated by humanlot
Target language: Chinese simplified


Remarks about the translation
in here,the "迪科科特" is a kind of Transliteration.
Validated by humanlot - 15 Tháng 1 2007 04:00

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10 Tháng 1 2007 15:45

Polar Bear
Tổng số bài gửi: 4
It is difficult to give this translation a clear right or wrong rating, because the translation generally reflects the original meaning, but is not accurate enough to be used for offical printing.

13 Tháng 1 2007 19:15

Tổng số bài gửi: 70
I can't accept this translation (from my point of view), there is too many little errors that makes the translation inacceptable.

14 Tháng 1 2007 23:31

Tổng số bài gửi: 23
I have done the translation according to the finished english one for I don't understand the original text,so it's inconvenient for me to give a rate about whether my translation is exactly right or not.

14 Tháng 1 2007 03:45

Tổng số bài gửi: 1263
也许你对汉语的习惯语法顺序和习惯需要润色。听Polar Bear的建议,看来你的意思翻译对了,但是不符合汉语习惯而已。


14 Tháng 1 2007 03:52

Tổng số bài gửi: 23
to pluiepoco 真是太讽刺了,我一个堂堂的中国公民,竟然被指译文不符合汉语习惯,哀怨之余还是要谢谢楼上的支持。

14 Tháng 1 2007 04:03

Tổng số bài gửi: 1263
没关系了,也不要生气,我也是想着说的,Polar Bear可能是在加拿大的中国人,所以了,他有自己的看法,请不要生气。

14 Tháng 1 2007 06:33

Tổng số bài gửi: 70

Decocoat acoustics has been produced since 1992.


So, Decocoat acoustics is translated to "迪科科特声学", I wonder where do you get that "聲學" from?

what Polar Bear said is : "the translation generally reflects the original meaning, but is not accurate enough to be used for offical printing."

Need me to translate it for you guys? He is SAYING : the translation is not "accurate" enough, as I said too, there is too many little errors that make the translation inacceptable. NO ONE SAID, it is a probleme of "汉语习惯", except pluiepoco... so... maybe you should just read it again?

請不要對 Polar Bear 亂扣帽子!這是很不禮貌的行為!

14 Tháng 1 2007 23:29

Tổng số bài gửi: 23
acoustics字典和百科全书上都解释为“声学”,在此对Polar Bear致歉。不过whisky是否能对所讲的“too many little errors”一一言明,我才能有的放矢的加以改正。顺便说一下,我对翻译的态度可称得上严谨,一般都会在几种表达法间仔细斟酌后作决定,从中挑出私以为最简明且无歧义的。

15 Tháng 1 2007 00:37

Tổng số bài gửi: 70
或許字典和百科全書上都是翻譯為「聲學」,但是這邊的 decocoat acoustics 指的是一種消音的塗料。也就是說,這是一個產品,而不是什麼「聲學」。所以才會有「自 1992 年開始生產」的這種說法。


后其专利技术逐渐被应用于世界范围 - 原文說的是,這個專利在世界各國都有註冊。而不是「被應用於世界範圍」。世界範圍也是一句非常不中文的說法。

a solid soundproof wall and ceiling surface - 這邊 solid 並不當「堅固」說,這是指可靠,可依賴的意思。

就是這些小地方,讓你的翻譯雖然原意大致有表達出來,但是很多地方都不夠精準。這才是 Polar Bear 真正說的意思。他從來沒有說過你的翻譯是和 "汉语习惯" 有關係。

希望你能明白我和 polar bear 想說的意思,不要被他人誤導了。

15 Tháng 1 2007 01:49

Tổng số bài gửi: 23