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Source language
Portugalski brazilski P., presente de Deus em nossa vida.
P., presente de Deus em nossa vida.
P = male name abbrev.

Completed translations
Grcki Δώρο Θεού
Latinski P., donum Dei in nostra vita.
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Spanski La carta base de tu pirámide, la sota ...
La carta base de tu pirámide, la sota de bastos, te muestra que has recibido una invitación hacia la aventura, una ocasión emocionante se te ofrece, llega un impulso arrebatador que recibes con alegría

Completed translations
Turski Piramitinin temeli olan kart,...
Source language
Engleski wherever you go we go
wherever you go we go

Completed translations
Latinski Quocumque
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Portugalski brazilski Matar um homem para defender uma ...
Matar um homem para defender uma idéia, não é defender uma idéia, é matar um homem.

Completed translations
Latinski Hominem necare
Source language
Portugalski Deus aí está.
Deus aí está.

Completed translations
Latinski Deus ibi est.
Source language
Engleski god save the queen
god save the queen

Completed translations
Portugalski brazilski Deus salve a rainha!
Latinski Deus
Source language
Danski søn af min mor
søn af min mor
dette er til at få lavet en tatovering så det er vigtigt at det er oversat helt ordret.

Completed translations
Francuski fils de ma mère
Italijanski figlio di mia madre
Latinski filius matris meae
Afrikaans seun van my ma
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Bugarski завинаги в моето сърце
завинаги в моето сърце

Completed translations
Engleski forever in my heart
Spanski Para siempre en mi corazón
Hebrejski בלבי לנצח
Italijanski Per sempre nel mio cuore
Latinski In meo corde
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Engleski two weeks later someone stole the neclece in...
two weeks later someone stole the neclece in spite of the security cameeras and the guards..everyone in the museum vaÅŸ a possible
suspeçt but in tthe in the eyes of the polsiç paul was the most likely one .the necklace disappeared only two weeks after started working there and thiş was very unusual for the museum .
ne anlatmak istediginin açıklanması türkçeye çevrilmesi

Completed translations
Turski Ä°ki hafta sonra
Source language
Norveski hei jeg er nils
hei jeg er nils

Completed translations
Bugarski Здравей ...
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Turski İyi ki doğdunuz Figen Hanım. Nice...
İyi ki doğdunuz Figen Hanım. Nice mutlu yıllara.

Completed translations
Engleski ...
Bugarski Честит рожден ден, Фиген Ханъм!
Ruski ...
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Svedski det är lugnt, förlåt mig,du can radera mig
det är lugnt, förlåt mig,du can radera mig

Completed translations
Engleski It's cool, forgive me, you can delete me
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Spanski hola amor :) espero que muy pronto puedo verte ,...
hola amor :) espero que muy pronto puedo verte , las fotos son muy lindas :) te amo y te beso ... dime que estas haciendo ?

Completed translations
Bugarski здравей, любов:)) надявам се, че скоро ще мога да те видя,...
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Spanski hola amor ... muchas grasias de fotos ... :) me...
hola amor ... muchas grasias de fotos ... :) me alegia verte en fotos ... Yo pienso en tu muchisimo tambien ... Te beso muchisimo ... Me alergo que no me olvidas aunque el tiempo que nome veias . Te amo

Completed translations
Bugarski здрасти, любов..... много благодаря за снимките...
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